
Thursday, March 12, 2015

To Azizah and Family...In Asking a Pardon for Anwar Ibrahim - Try Humility!

We know that the politics of denial goes hand in hand with Najib's and Umno's survival. Today inconvenient truths of stubborn facts that are likely to harm Najib and BN are studiously ignored. On the other hand the desire for certain things to be true when they are not - for example that 1MDB is good - has assumed the status of truth itself.  

I expect Najib to deny involvement in 1MDB. I expect Najib to deny involvement in the murder of Altantuya and we all expect Najib to deny any involvement in any Port Dickson tryst and in any extra marital activities. We know that despite his physical proportions he is no match against a tsunami generated by Rosmah's anger if she even suspects him of having impure thoughts for any one - even for the proverbial New Zealand sheep...however cute that sheep may be! 

Even Najib has the good sense to knows when to cease and desists his randy business from his younger days - or should I say pre Rosmah. Does Anwar Ibrahim have the same sense to do likewise? I think not if sodomy two are any indication of his inclinations.

I hope to God that Azizah and Pakatan Rakayat does have the sense to understand what they should do if they are ever to want the King to pardon Anwar Ibrahim for the Sodomy two conviction.

I hope they will deal with the Anwar Ibrahim situation as we expect them to. With decency, rationally and with an eye to the truth because to not do so would be an insult to Malaysians who can think for themselves.

First we understand why, with or without Anwar's consent, his family has submitted an application for pardon to the King. 
  • This is the only way that Anwar can now be freed as all legal avenues have been exhausted - so as a family that loves him, they must do this. 
  • Politically the act of appealing for a pardon is delaying the inevitable - trying to keep occupied an already vacant MP seat. A vacant seat which, I must add, will still be PKR's should a by election be called - so in this respect it is unnecessary.
I have had occasion to "minta ampun" from my late father. This is what my late mother told me to do when I minta ampun from my father. Kneel down and kiss his feet and wait there until he decides what he wants to do. That I will do and invariable my Father will ampun me and I will then kiss his hand and say again, "maaf bapak"...and all will be well between my father and me. 

But what is Anwar's family and PR doing in support of this "minta ampun" from the King? You are asking for a pardon for Anwar from the King and you go about putting pressure left right and centre? What can the King do if the Pardon Board suggest the negative? Does the King have any room to move to try and persuade the Government to reconsider?

When I am kneeling in front of my father to ask for his forgiveness a few things are given:
  • I am admitting that I am at fault for whatever it is that I am guilty of and that I am asking my father for forgiveness for. 
  • And this is not the time for me to argue, discuss, negotiate or berate my father for being fully or partly responsible for whatever wrong that I have have or have not done. 
I kneel before my father and in all humility...I repeat in all humility...ask for his forgiveness.
It will be good for Anwar's Family to remember humility in asking the King to pardon Anwar.  

It would will be good too for Pakatan Rakyat to remember this too.

As Zahid Ibrahim has said and I quote "What Anwar or anyone else thinks of the charge is now irrelevant and has been superseded by events. After the highest court has handed down its guilty verdict, a plea for pardon means Anwar and his family accepted the verdict and are now seeking a royal pardon".
Some will say that to do so is tantamount to admitting the charge preferred against him.  But this is incorrect—this is not straight thinking. What Anwar or anyone else thinks of the charge is now irrelevant and has been superseded by events. After the highest court handed down its guilty verdict, a plea for pardon means Anwar and his family have accepted the verdict and are now seeking a royal pardon.  Accepting the verdict is not the same as agreeing with it. - See more at:

No more more candle light vigil, no more demonstration no more Kita Lawan in support of Anwar Ibrahim. 

If you want to do anything...pray. 

Pray that ALLAH will make Najib and the BN government he leads understand that Anwar, his family and this nation of ours need kindness and compassion from it's leaders. 

Pray for these same leaders to be merciful and to understand that our people, our nation and most important of all, Anwar's family need for the King to pardon Anwar for they need him back to be amongst them and we all think that this man has gone through enough trials and tribulations to last many lifetimes.
Some will say that to do so is tantamount to admitting the charge preferred against him.  But this is incorrect—this is not straight thinking. What Anwar or anyone else thinks of the charge is now irrelevant and has been superseded by events. After the highest court handed down its guilty verdict, a plea for pardon means Anwar and his family have accepted the verdict and are now seeking a royal pardon.  Accepting the verdict is not the same as agreeing with it. - See more at: family had submitted an application for pardon and my contention is that that is the only way he can be freed. Unfortunately, the family/ PR lacks humility. Kita nak minta ampun and do we go about putting pressure left right and centre ? Do you think there's any chance at all the Agung will ever have any choice when the pardon board suggest the negative ? No doubt the intention to appeal for pardon can be viewed as delaying the inevitable i.e vacant the MP seat.

And pray not only that Najib will understand the people sentiments in asking him to Undur but also pray that Anwar Ibrahim too will Undur for he has done his part in Malaysian politics and it is now time for others to continue what he has done. 

Undur Najib.

Undur Anwar - in fact make that a condition of any Pardon that our King will give to Anwar Ibrahim.

As for Najib time will do the necessary...and time he does not have much of left. 

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