
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Whatever your political affiliations give Tun his due for insisting that Najib must go.

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There have been many things said about Tun Mahathir's time in and out of office.

He can be held responsible for some lack of judgement in some of the things he has done that has costs our nation dearly and there have been times when he could be questioned for his insistence that "the ends justify the means" way of doing things.

Through it all he personally cannot be accused of profiting financially from his time as Prime Minister, his family values and in the manner he conducted himself as a father, husband, Muslim and a human being is impeachable and he has tirelessly worked for the betterment of our country and its people.

Today he has one more battle to fight. Not for himself, not for his family, not for Umno,  not for anyone else but for Malaysia and Malaysian.

Whatever your political affiliations give Tun his due for insisting that Najib must go.  

Most times the old man is right, sometime he is wrong - but in his fight against Najib you and I must see that what he is doing is what he earnestly believe is the right thing to do if  Malaysia is to survive. Can we get behind the old man and rid ourselves of this sad excuse of a human being call Najib Razak who has, with Rosmah, brought our nation to its knees financially and made us all the butt of jokes and laughter by the rest of the civilized world!

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