
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The support of UMNO does not make scheduling overseas trip to coincide with your daughter's engagement, your son's convocation and family holidays in Milan and Australia right.

All these rogue elephants fighting around know what makes me mad...really really mad? They take us for bloody fools! They think we will swallow hook, line and sinker everything they say! They think we believe everything we read and they think we take as gospel everything we hear them say!

Yesterday there was this picture of one of those rogue elephants being treated like a rock star by the same herd of buffoons who thought threatening the late Karpal Singh in a wheel chair outside Parliament was the height of courage when defending the honor of the Malays - the same Malays they have brought so much shame to by their deeds. The same thugs that goes around threatening to burn down the offices of opposition parties. The same hordes of baboons that believe that life owes them a living simply because they are Pemuda Umno.

If Najib wants to get a rock star treatment from anybody then go be a rock star!

What any credible Prime Minister needs is respect and trust from the people he is Prime Minister of. And this he has little of now. 

Yes it does seems that Najib is rallying the troops and more important for Najib, the troops are prepared to be rallied. Every Umno leader worth his salt are lining up behind Najib to be seen and heard that they are with their President merangkap Perdana Menteri.

Give him time they say....nobody asks how much more time Najib needs to drag us all further into the den of iniquity that he now is in.

Let Umno do what they want for Najib and for themselves. We know better.  Aside from the 3 million Umno members there are enough of us to know what is right and what is wrong - and we know that the support of Umno does not make what Najib has done right!
  • The support of Umno does not make the murder of Altantuya right.
  • It does not make the giving of RM500 million for "services rendered" right.
  • It does not make the use of the government jet for private use right.
  • It does not make scheduling overseas trip to coincide with your daughter's engagement, your son's convocation and family holidays in Milan and Australia  right.
  • It does not make billing the PMO for your daughters engagement right.
  • It does not make the spending of millions on a wedding right.
  • It does not make 1MDB right.
  • It does not make POTA right.
  • It does not make BRIM right.
  • It does not make GST right.
  • It does not make unexplained massive wealth right.
  • It does not make "Lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu" right
  • It does not make the RM$250 million debacle of NFC right.
  • It does not make the persecution of Anwar Ibrahim right.
  • It does not make the appointment of a corrupt Isa Samad as Head of FELDA right.
  • It does not make the taking of Perak right.
  • It does not make the award of the Ampang LRT extension project to George Kent  - the highest bidder that has already been disqualified -right
  • It does not make right the use of PDRM's IGP as your running dog right.
  • It does not make the physical violence against the Bersih movement right.
  • It does not make the giving of citizenship to Banagldeshis, Pakistanis amd Filipinos right.
  • etc etc etc etc.....
They may be blind to Najib's follies but we are not.

The only right thing Umno can now do is get rid of Najib Razak. 
If they don't than like the proverbial baby that got thrown out with the bath water...we will get rid of Umno along with Najib at the next general election!

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