
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Leadership being driven by personality cults


30/04/2015 08:22 AM
Personality, not ability, seems to determine the longevity of a leader in party and public 
office nowadays
Hussein Hamid

Politics in Malaysia in the past three decades have been dominated by the Malays, Umno and by that man who will not go away, Dr Mahathir Mohamad - not necessarily in that order.

Today, three decades after he first became prime minister in 1981, he stands alone for all intents and purposes, to do what is right for the party he was once president of. So he says.

It is not for us to deliberate Mahathir's intent, for only he knows what drives him at 90 to do what he does. Given the hoopla surrounding the cut and thrust of political giants at serious play with each other over unresolved issues, what is obvious is that the only constant in politics is change.

As it changed when Anwar Ibrahim and Reformasi came into our consciousness in September 1998. As it changed in September 2006 when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi stepped down as prime minister after being hounded out of office by Mahathir.

Today it is changing again as the ability of political leaders to lead are being questioned and challenged not only by the rakyat but more disturbingly, by their peers.

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