
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Berita Daily : Political temptation and the 'fair-minded' rakyat

Berita Daily

03/09/2015 08:32 AM
Political temptation and the 'fair-minded' rakyat
Najib has erred big time in his single-minded focus on money as the solution to all his political ills and only fair-minded Malaysians can disabuse him of this fantasy

Hussein Hamid

The putrid political atmosphere in Malaysia today overwhelms us all. It clouds and pollutes the very air that we breath and chokes our senses numb. For now, Umno still dominates - once deservedly so but now perversely so  - for Umno itself has been fatally compromised from within by one of it's own -  its president, Najib Razak.

Najib Razak is the least popular Malaysian prime minister in five decades and is unlikely to finish his current term of office. In the choice of a wife in Rosmah, in the manner he has allowed her to use his position as prime minister to feed her ostentatious, extravagance and vain lifestyle, Najib has erred big time.

In the choice of friends - in Deepak, Razak Baginda and Jho Low amongst others - Najib has been too easily taken advantage of by them for their own massive financial gain at the expense of the country and its people.

In loyalty to Pak Lah and Mahathir, Najib was found wanting. In government Najib lacked clarity and integrity and political expediency overrode all other considerations! In the manner he choose to take over Perak, Najib was driven by political expediency over the interest of the people of Perak.

In how he had managed 1MDB and pocketed the RM2.6 billion donation, he has proven himself to be short sighted - wanting short term gain over long term benefits for the people and nation. It puts into doubt his ability to understand the need for a leader to have integrity in the things that he does in the name of leadership and government.

In the use of Felda for the listing of FGV, Najib proved that he has no qualms in defiling what his own father had put in place to provide for the needs of the rural underprivileged Malays. Putting a politician convicted of money politics as its head disrespects the memory of his father, in order to serve his own political purpose.

In the dismissal of his own deputy and the choice of the new one, Najib has effectively signed his own political death warrant and simply proves his own lack of political acumen.

In the many promises he made as prime minister that he was unable or unwilling to keep, Najib proves himself unworthy of the people's trust. And in his own belief that he is the all-conquering Bugis warrior  leading Malaysia, Umno and BN into another glorious era of development and transformation, Najib is delusional.

Time and time again, Najib showed that in character he is flawed, in judgement he is impaired and in decision-making he is inadequate and without hindsight and foresight.

Mahathir and a growing chorus of significant others within and outside Umno and BN have spoken loudly about the credibility of this prime minister....about Najib as being an unfit person to preside over government. And what have these mutterings of Mahathir and others done to Najib's reputation as a prime minister?

That question does not arise as Najib never had much of a reputation for anything  - much less for good governance. He is not a person of high integrity or ethics and never has been. Nor is he a leader of uncommon ability.

The only thing common about Najib is his single-minded focus on money as the solution to all his political ills.

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