
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Bigger than Ben Hur!

How deliciously appropriate to have Jose Ugaz, the global Chairman of Transparency International declare that Najib Razak is a corrupt man to a global audience on a global platform with global reach from within the very country that Najib Razak is prime minister of!

He did so today in his opening speech at the International Anti-Corruption Conference organised by Transparency International that was attended by  graft-fighting agencies from around the world!  

As they say give a man enough rope he will eventually hang himself. Anwar Ibrahim had nothing to do with this and neither did Tun Mahathir....hell even I had nothing to do with this!

Najib and his Advisers did this to Najib all by themselves!

The icing on the cake would have been for Najib to make his scheduled address at the opening of that meeting...but as stupid as he and his advisers are to have allowed such a meeting to take place in KL in the first place, Najib did not have the courage nor did he want to commit Hari Kiri  by being there for his own execution!

There are stupid people. There are idiots. There are even village idiots in the Prime Minister's Office in Putrajaya.......but there is only one Najib Razak. Only Najib Razak would host an anti corruption Transparency International conference in KL to show the world that he is against corruption when everything that he does tells the world that he is one of the most corrupt leader around today! How corrupt? RM 2.4billion worth of corruption!
Let me story you about the stupidity of this guy!

How stupid can Najib be? Holding a Transparency International conference in KL? Did not his advisers cautioned him against doing so? Did they not advise him about the implications and ramification of holding such a conference in KL when this BN government led by Najib Razak is already regarded as one of the most corrupt globally? AIsehman it is like Permata hosting a conference for paedophiles with Rosmah as host and inviting that ex CM from Malacca as the keynote speaker! It is a no brainier! Sure die one! 

This is bigger that Altantuya. Bigger than the Hermes or the RM$1200 hair job on Rosmah's kepala. Bigger than Muhyiddin's dismissal....bigger even than Ben Hur...but of course not bigger that the RM2.4 billion donation! Nothing can be bigger than the RM 2.4 billion donation deposited into Najib's personal account....but what is happening at  this Transparency International  conference is big enough to push Najib over the edge and into the hole he has been digging for himself all this while where he should have been politically dismembered a long long time ago

Simply said, Najib needs this Transparency International in KL like he needs a hole in his head...though most of you are already insisting that he already has a hole in his head! A hole big enough for Rosmah to crawl through! But I digress......

And so let me be the first to announce to the world...ok lah the people of Malaysia and everyone else who reads what I write......that Najib is finshed! Kaput! As those Umno guys like to say of the Chinese...Mampus! Tiada maaf bagi mu. The fat lady has sung. Closing the stable after the horse has bolted. Tutup tirai.

The president of Transparency International has effectively confirmed that Najib Razak is corrupt...very corrupt..and he did it on a platform that is global, its reach is global and its effect is global! To quote Samy Velu..."Besar kemaluan saya!

Instead of Najib Razak commanding the world's attention by delivering the opening address of a global event in Malaysia....something else happened!

The timing of this TI conference is exquisite! Surely even the most adroit and all knowing opponent of Najib could have never engineered such a timely and devastating blow to Najib's political future at precisely the very moment when he is most vulnerable!

What Najib's advisors must have told him many months ago when this Transparency International conference was being organized was that it would be a prestigious coup for Najib to host such a conference! They would have insisted that Najib deliver the opening address where he could extol, rhapsodize, rave, eulogize, praise to the skies and to a global audience of the efforts and deeds of the Barisan Nasional goverment that he leads in fighting corruption in Malaysia! Huh!

What would have been a tremendous PR exercises has now turned up to be a great big embarrassment for Najib. Egg on his face! How big an egg? This big!

Padam muka!

God indeed  does work in mysterious way! Is it not prophetic that even the Gods are now working against Najib?

All the stars are aligned to show the world who Najib really is. A corrupt leader whose past and present has finally caught up with him - and while he and that wife of his squirms uncomfortably on their fat bottom, Jose Ugaz takes aim at Najib and condemned Najib of being very corrupt with a world wide audience listening in to his every word!

As I have said before....this is bigger than Ben Hur! 

And how did all this happened? Who is to be blamed? 

The Indians and Buddhists have a word for it :

noun: karma
  1. (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
    • destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.

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