
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Confucius says "Wise Men don't Piss against the Wind" Is Najib a Wise Man?

Let me try and put this RM2.4 billion donation that Najib deposited into his personal account into perspective sans politics, sans any other interests but with one consideration and one consideration only : What is the decent to do?

For the most part we humans - you and I - we are not much different from each other.

We eat when we are hungry, laugh and smile when we are feeling good, cry when we are sad and eat at McDonalds and KFC  from time to time even though it is not healthy for us to do so.

It is when we are tested that we show our true colors.

About a month ago I was at Ikea with my family looking at some outdoor furniture for our balcony. Ikea provides wheel chairs for those who needs to use them without charge. We borrowed one for my wife as it would be difficult for her to keep up with us otherwise and we proceeded to enjoy our time at Ikea.

We were at the outdoor furniture section and I was about to try one of the chairs on display  when I saw a white Apple iPhone on the table.

I initially thought it was a prop put there by Ikea....but as soon as I lifted it up I knew it was the real thing. Do not ask me what I wanted to do with it because as I picked it up, my son too saw it....and I knew what ever it was that I wanted to do with it - there was only one option for me since my son had seem me picking it up - I will want to return the phone to its owner. No way would I want my son to think that I was a thief...and so we went to Ikea to hand it in....and was told that the owner had already asked Ikea if anyone had handed in the missing phone! So happy endings...but not of the Thai kind though...nudge nudge wink wink! 

That was the situation that Najib found himself in when he was handed that RM2.4 billion "donation!".....only he did not have a son or anyone else looking over his shoulders to see what he would do with the "donation" for Umno. 

It was not his money to keep. Not his money to do as he liked with it. Not his money to use to keep him "politically alive" belonged to Umno and it should be Umno's decision to do what Umno thinks is best for Umno. 

What did Najib do?

You can answer this question yourself.

The human brain, which we are all suppose to posses, does not necessarily work in tandem with other brains in other people's cranium. Some are equipped with common sense, some with good sense and some with bad sense....and some are permanently stuck in the selfish "me! me! me! sense!"  

In respect of Najib and the RM2.4 billion "donation money" we have already witnessed man's ingenuity in explaining what Najib has done to serve the interest of Umno, the Malays, Malaysians,Malaysia and ....yes...even Islam. And who are we to quibble over the right or wrong of these "explanations" for are not men the product of the circumstances that they find themselves in? 

If, like Sharir Samad and the Ketua Bahagians within Umno, you have personally benefited from Najib's "generosity" of sharing the "donation" with you then how can you be faulted in saying that the "donation" was for political purposes - for Umno and BN  - and what Najib did with it was his business and no body's else?

If you are one of the three million Umno members what would you do if your president is caught with his pants down urinating in public? Of course you will close ranks to shield him from any embarrassment that would ensue if any anyone else sees your president peeing in public - and it does not matter if Najib was peeing into the wind and gets him and them wet in the process. They will grin and bear the indignities! 

As Conficius says " Wise men do not pee against the wind!" Najib a wise man?

What will others think of the same situation? 

Your guess is as good as mine...but I suggest you go back to the analogy of what I did with the Apple iPhone that I saw on the table in Ikea when I knew my son had also seen it. We did not need to discuss what we will do with it...we both knew that it was not ours to keep and we knew that we had to find the rightful owner of that phone because that was the only decent thing to do.

When Najib first received the donation nobody seems to know about it - not even Umno. 

Now we all do......hell even the whole world knows. 

Now tell me this! Did Najib Razak, the president of Umno, our Prime Minister and the man who should lead by example, do the "decent" thing?
End of story! 

Now you go and try to do some decent things today!

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