
Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Red Shit (yes SHIT) Himpunan Maruah Melayu aka The Red Shit Baruah Umno!

This Red Shit Rally that is to take place on the 16th of September to defend Maruah Melayu is another nail in the coffin of political insanity that is Umno. I am not going to waste my time, nor my effort to list out the reasons why this Red Shit Rally should or should not take place because when you argue with stupid idiots they will pull you down to their level and then beat you with experience!
What I am wondering is when the "tipping point" will be reached...when the killing starts. Yes I repeat...when does the killing starts? 

This f#*king Umno led BN government knows that this Red Shit Rally is good for them. It is good for them because it keeps the Malays and the Chinese on edge. This is how they divide and rule Malaysians.  For as long as the Malays and the Chinese are at each other's throat then these f*#king politicians can carry on with their plundering and pillaging of our nation. 

What they are incapable of understanding is the ramifications of keeping our people on edge to serve Umno's purposes.....or to be more exact, they do know but they do not care!

Any responsible government will never allow nor encourage, frenzied, hot headed Malays bent upon "saving" the maruah of the Malays to congregate in the thousands because when they do they are then liable to run amok in the streets of KL. 

Hishamuddin will be their poster boy!

And their rallying call will be Najib's infamous urging at Kampong Baru to bathe the Keris with Chinese blood! 

And when they do then Harun Idris will be their hero and God help us all because that is when the killing begins! 

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