
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Berita Daily : Why we do not need Pakatan Harapan

Berita Daily 

01/10/2015 08:30 AM
Why we do not need Pakatan Harapan
Not only has it grown weaker without the recalcitrant PAS, it also endorses Anwar for PM just as Umno is for Najib - the two leaders the nation can do without
Hussein Hamid
I do not like to be taken for a fool - whether by Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat or by this... this other coalition called Pakatan Harapan.

I have already had my say on the Umno-led Barisan Nasional many a times in the past. Most of it not too complimentary. You would also be hard pressed to find me saying anything good about the component parties within BN - especially Umno.

I have had many a sleepless night trying to figure out what good I could dig out of Pakatan Rakyat - a coalition of the unwilling against a common enemy Umno, but in the scheme of things that I thought was necessary if our nation was not to regress, I was of the opinion that anything was better than Umno.

Now I am not too sure!

After losing the popular mandate to govern in the last general election you have to marvel at the manner Umno has been able to turn its 'defeat' into a 'win' today given that Najib was the president that led Umno-BN to that 'defeat' in the last general election is still around.

Still numero uno in BN and Umno. Still seemingly calling the shots in BN, in government and still prime minister.

And in the process of surviving through the numerous horrendous political fallout most of which were of its own making (any of which would have meant the demise of the PM or worse, the government)... nothing has changed.

In short Umno has gone to hell and back.

What about Pakatan Rakyat?

click here to read more at Berita Daily.

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