
Thursday, December 3, 2015


KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 21 — The Malays must assert their position as the dominant power in Malaysia or risk becoming like the indigenous natives of developed…

steadyaku47 comment :

I have a Malaysian Passport that is valid for all countries except Israel. It states "These are to request and require in the name of the Supreme Head of Malaysia all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hinderance, and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary".

That means that as a Malaysian citizen my government requires other government to render me assistance and protection as may be necessary for my well being....and here I emphasis the term "other government".

Why am I not able to depend on my own government to do the same to me in my own country?

Is it not ironic that the Malaysian government wants other government to afford me such assistance and protection as may be necessary for my well being and yet this same government is encouraging other Malaysians to assert their position over other Malaysians because Zahid thinks that they are the dominant power in Malaysia! Now who will give protection to these other Malaysians that are being dominated by that other dominant power in Malaysia? 

Ok lah let me spell that out in plain language....who will protect the non-Malays who are, like the Malays, also Malaysians, from being dominated upon by Umno Malays?  

AND...who will protect Malays who are being persecuted, prosecuted and abused by the same Umno led Barisan Nasional government? Other Governments? 
And another thing that needs to be made clear....the Malays are not the "Red Indians" of this country...the Orang Asli are!

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