
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The most worrying part of this sorry saga of YaPIEM is that this idiot of a Ketua Pengarah thinks that we will buy his story that the buying of the Golf Simulator is a business investment and will be YaPIEM's contribution towards "membentuk masyarakat yang bersukan"!

steadyaku47 comment :

The Ketua Pengarah of YaPEIM, Abibulah Samsudin, tells us that the money used to buy the Golf Simulator came from revenues or profits from businesses conducted by YaPIEM. 

Can he also explain where the money to invest in those businesses came from? Whether it comes from the government or from contributions, it is still our money - public money - money that should be used responsibly. Please note the following "nilai nilai utama YaPIEM's" outlined by YaPIEM :  

Nilai-nilai utama yang dihayati dalam budaya korporat YaPEIM :
  1. Amanah
  2. Jimat Cermat
  3. Bertanggungjawab
  4. Cekap
  5. Profesional
  6. Peka
Buying a Golf Simulator to be installed in a Four Star Hotel (which he says is what their present building in PJ will be turned into) is not a responsible thing to do because:

1.  Who plays Golf? Enough said!

2. What is the current status of that four star hotel that is to be built? Sudah ada pelan? Are the finances in place? How long before they start the conversion or are they going to pull down the present building and built another one in its place ? What sort of time frame before it is a done deal? One year...two years? And by then would not the Golf Simulator be out of date? Meantime will the Golf Simulator be kept in storage or used by the Pengarah himself and his cronies? Will they be using the Golf Simulator for free or will they pay for the use of that Golf Simulator so that some income can be got by YaPIEM? And what are the projections of income for the Golf Simulator - what is the projected ROI on their investment of the said Golf Simulator?   

The most worrying part of this sorry saga of YaPIEM is that this idiot of a Ketua Pengarah thinks that we will buy his story that the buying of the Golf Simulator is a business investment and will be YaPIEM's contribution towards "membentuk masyarakat yang bersukan"! How stupid does he think the average Malaysian is?

Buying a Golf Simulator is NOT a business investment! You and your cronies got together over some lunch or dinner paid for by YaPIEM, most probably overseas, in some fancy restaurants and decided to buy that Golf Simulator so that you can all have some fun at the expense of the public.

It will not contribute towards "membentuk masyarakat yang bersukan" develop sports for the masses to make society more inclusive, more healthy and robust. Golf is for those with do not need to help those with money to play more Golf. Let them pay for it themselves!

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