
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My friends you must not forget that Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Daim, Ku Li and all those self appointed "council of elders" that are putting themselves forward as being the "Voice of Reason" are all Umno too. They are the reasons we are where we are today...they are not the solution to the ills and problems of our people and our nation. They are the cause of it!

Who created the position that made it possible for politicians, the police force, Immigration, Customs, JPJ, JKR, officials in MARA, FELDA, RISDA and so many others holding high public office to be corrupt?

Who have created the situation where people in business - whatever their ethnicity, whatever their religion and whatever their political inclinations - who made it necessary for these business people to have to be corrupt if they wanted to do business with the government, for the government and through the government?

Who insisted on Ketuanan Melayu and then abused and used Ketuanan Melayu for their political advantage and the getting of wealth for themselves?

Who ordered every government machinery to harasses, persecute and prosecute individuals, political parties and organization they perceived to be a threat?

Who consented to the adverse wholesale re engineering of our society and racial demographics by the massive intakes of low income, ill educated "economic migrants" from Indonesia, Bangladesh and surrounding Asian countries? 

Who, by the abuse of Ketuanan Melayu made certain that the Malays would more and more be dependent on politics to claim their place in Malaysian society? Who  had schemed for themselves to be that "political force" upon whom the Malays would have to depend on?

And all this they have done and erroneously made the people of this nation believe that it was all done in the name of progress, all done to advance the cause of the Malays, all done for the good of all Malaysians and all done in the name of good governance and democratic principles!

All this and more were all done not by Umno but done in the name of Umno by the leaders of Umno led by Mahathir and those that came after him.

Mahathir insists that Umnio is now more Najib than Najib himself. With respect Tun you made it possible for Umno to be made into your own in essence you made is possible for Najib to make Umno into his and Rosmah's image.

While you have worked tirelessly in the service of our nation during your tenure as PM, with some hindsight you should have been able to work out that there still must be check and balance to ensure that other prime ministers will put country before self as you did and have the same values and work ethics as you did - and because you did not do this, you will have to take responsibility for the state of affairs brought on by a prime minister like Najib whose deeds and abuse of the prime minister's office now damms you and all of us!   

And what of the three million members of Umno? Why in spite of the precarious state of our nation and of Umno today, why do these three million members still call upon ALLAH to bless Najib? 

They do so because rightly or wrongly Umno leaders have made them believe that the Malays need saving and only Umno can save the Malays! 

Rightly or wrongly these Umno leaders have made them believe that our country need saving and only Umno can save it.   

And rightly or wrongly we must now oppose Umno not only to save Umno from itself but critically to save our people and our country from Umno!

We must oppose Umno because it is these corrupt Umno leaders that will decide the fate of our nation.

And today the fate of our nation is being decided by an Umno leader who is inherently corrupt, self serving and surrounded by hubris!

And as Umno is made in the image of its leader, Umno too has become corrupt, self serving and basking in hubris. 

My friends you must not forget that Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Daim, Ku Li and all those self appointed "council of elders" that are putting themselves forward as being the "Voice of Reason" are all Umno too. They are the reasons we are where we are today...they are not the solution to the ills and problems of our people and our nation. They are the cause of it!

For us Malays and for so many of our non-Malay brothers and sisters who can only hope that we Malays will do the right and responsible things to save the Malays, our country and all those who call Malaysia home....there will be many difficult decisions we will have to make in the coming days.......the most critical of which is whether we all want to be Malaysian or we still want to be Malay, Chinese, Indians, Dayaks, Kadazans and the other different ethnicity that makes us all different from each other.

I for one am disappointed by the inability of the fractured opposition to hold itself together but better that they sort out their differences now rather than later when government is already thrust upon them. 

In all the doom and gloom of the break up of Pakatan there is still one individual who might still be able to make some sense and order of the whole conundrum - Anwar Ibrahim. Even if PKR is Anwar and Anwar is PKR the same cannot be said of the opposition that once was Pakatan Rakyat. Anwar Ibrahim put together an alternative to BN but Pakatan Rakyat is not made in the image of Anwar Ibrahim.

Pakatan Rakyat has always been three parties united in unison against BN.That alone will give us some hope that with DAP, PKR and PAS (Yes there has to be PAS in the equation!) there can still be an opposition not made in the image of one leader but one that is made in the image of all Malaysians. We do not want another Mahathir or Najib to blight our nation anytime in the future!.

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