
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Zarith Sofiah Idris : A Mother's heartfelt Thanks.

Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada saudara saudari diatas ucapan takziah kepada saya dan keluarga saya. 

Hari ini, walaupun sedikit lewat, saya ingin mengambil peluang untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Amy dan Sabrina, pasangan yang telah menjaga anakanda kami, Almarhum Tunku Abdul Jalil, setelah doktor mendiagnos Almarhum mengidap penyakit kanser pada bulan Ogos 2014 sehinggalah hari Almarhum mangkat. 

Keluarga kami sesungguhnya amat terhutang budi kepada Amy dan Sabrina. 

Setelah Almarhum menjalani pembedahan dan disahkan mempunyai kanser hati, mereka berpindah dan tinggal bersama kami, mengorbankan masa mereka bersama anak-anak mereka di rumah mereka sendiri, supaya mereka boleh membantu menjaga Almarhum. 

Mereka jugalah yang memastikan Almarhum mengambil semua ubat-ubatannya. 

Mereka jugalah yang tidur pada masa-masa yang tidak menentu kerana Almarhum akan santap pada lewat malam atau kadang-kadang, sebelum subuh.

Mereka jugalah yang akan bersama Almarhum di semua hospital apabila Almarhum dimasukkan ke wad untuk menerima rawatan. Mereka jugalah yang berjalan bersamanya ke mana sahaja Almarhum berangkat.

Mereka jugalah yang tahu pakaian mana yang Almarhum mahu gunakan, kasut yang mana, topi atau 'beanie' yang mana.

Mereka jugalah yang mengemaskan biliknya Mereka tahu dimana barang barang berada.
Walaupun saya kerap menyuruh mereka untuk mengambil cuti dan meluangkan masa bersama anak-anak mereka, mereka akan menolak dan mengatakan kepada saya bahawa anak-anak mereka dijaga dengan baik oleh kakak Sabrina. Mereka hanya sekali sekala akan keluar makan bersama anak-anak mereka apabila ada orang lain yang menemani Almarhum.

Ya, memang saya amat merasai keperitan kehilangan anak lelaki saya, namun, mereka juga merasai yang sama. Mereka juga menangis sepertimana keluarga kami menangis.
Maka, hari ini, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada mereka kerana telah menjaga anak lelaki saya, menyanyangi nya, bersamanya siang dan malam, menegur nya bilamana mereka merasakan Almarhum telah melakukan kesilapan, mendengar pabila dia menceritakan sesuatu. 

Saya sekeluarga tidak akan dapat membalas segala jasa dan budi mereka berdua kerana sanggup kekal menemani Almarhum hingga akhir hayatnya. 

Kami hanya dapat berdoa dan memohon agar Allah merahmati mereka berdua dengan kebahagiaan, kesihatan, dan kehidupan yang indah bersama keluarga mereka sendiri pada masa depan.

Terima kasih, Amy & Sabrina.

Johor Sultanah Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris today expressed thanks two people for loyally caring for her son, Tunku Abdul Jalil Sultan Ibrahim, who lost his battle with cancer earlier this month.

She said the couple, identified only as Amy and Sabrina, had been by Tunku Jalil’s side since he was first diagnosed with stage four liver cancer in August last year.
The fourth child of the Sultan of Johor, Tunku Abdul Jalil, 25, died at Sultanah A
minah Hospital in Johor Baru on Dec 5.

He was laid to rest at the Mahmoodiah Royal Mausoleum in Johor Baru.

She earlier posted a heartfelt letter to her son, sharing his kindness and magnanimity despite the pain he went through.

Below is Raja Zarith Sofiah’s message dedicated to the caregivers, as posted on her official Facebook page.

Today, I would like to take the opportunity to say a belated thank you to Amy and Sabrina, the couple who looked after our son, Almarhum Tunku Abdul Jalil, since he was diagnosed with cancer in August 2014. 

They moved in with us, and sacrificed their time being with their children so that they could look after Almarhum. 

They were the ones who made sure he took his medicines. 

They were the ones who slept at odd hours because Almarhum would eat very late at night or sometimes before dawn. 

They were the ones who would be with him at all the different hospitals whenever Almarhum was warded. 

They were the ones who travelled with him everywhere he went. 

They were the ones who knew which clothes he would want to wear, which shoes, which caps or beanies.

They were the ones who tidied up his room. They knew where everything was. 

Even though I kept telling them to take a day off, and spend some time with their children, they would tell me their children were well taken care of by Sabrina's sister. 

They would only have a meal with their children when someone else was there to be with Almarhum. 

Yes, I feel the pain of losing my son, but they do, too. They've cried just as our family has cried. 

So, today, I would like to say thank-you to them for looking after my son, for loving him, for being with him day and night, for chiding him when they felt he had done something wrong, for listening to him as he confided in them. 

My family and I can never repay them both for being with Almarhum until his very last breath. 

We can only pray and ask Allah to bless them with much happiness, health, and a wonderful life ahead with their own family. 

Thank you, Amy & Sabrina.

steadyaku47 : Everyday in many ways this Johore Royal Family is showing others the way towards earning the love and respect of those who are less fortunate them them. Showing others who are in high public office that respect is earned. And for the people of Johor their hearts must have swelled with pride and love for a Royal Family that is moving towards being one with them in their aspirations and their hope for better times ahead.

I am not a royalist  - not in the slightest sense - but for this Sultan and his Sultanah...maybe a Daulat Tuanku is deserved.     

Daulat Tuanku! 

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