
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

cakap cakap...Wahid and that Moody downgrade.

He says it is a revision in the outlook that is reflecting the current global scenario.

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 11 (Bernama) -- Moody's Investors Service's revision of the country's soverign rating outlook to stable from positive is not a downgrade, said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Senator Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar.

"It is a revision in the outlook that is reflecting the current global economic scenario," he said.

steadyaku47 comment : Okay Wahid...going by your logic what would be your interpretation of the following:

1    BN loss of the popular mandate to govern at the last election.... was that a true
      reflection of the current political scenario where the electorate rejected BN or was it just
      desserts for a political entity that is corrupt...very very corrupt?

2.  That RM 2.6 billion "donation" deposited into Najib's personal account....Did that act 
     reflects the need for president of Umno to have the cash to buy electoral victory or did
     it reflect greed?

3.  The sacking of Muhyiddin, the AG and a host of others directly involve in the work of
     finding the truth about 1MDB and that RM2.6 billion donation...what does that reflect? 
    The act of a desperate prime minister clinging to political power or what?

4. And most pertinent of all...this statement of yours about Moody's downgrade being "
   revision in the outlook that is reflecting the current global economic scenario" that 
   you talking through your a#@ehole or is it just a reflection that you too have sold your soul
   lock stock and barrel to Najib Razak?    

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