
Monday, January 25, 2016

And what has all this got to do with getting justice for Altantuya? Nothing really....its all about keeping Najib in or out of office and making Sirul a millionaire.

Altantuya’s convicted murderer claims the alleged pregnancy is pure speculation by the media.…

steadyaku47 comment:

How callous for Najib Razak and this Sirul to refer to Altantuya as "that women" or "that Mongolian women". She was a mother, a daughter and a young women in her prime of life. Yes she may have  her failings...don't we all? It is most disrespectful of Najib Razak, Sirul or any one else to refer to her as "that women" ! Give her more respect!   

This Sirul is just not too bright....if he is a cendol he is missing some santan and the mamak did not put in enough of the gula melaka!

Whats with the white skull cap? Does the white skull cap mitigate his foul deed of  murdering a girl whom he does not even know? Does that white skull cap makes him religious? That he has already bertaubat/repent...and that he is now a changed man because he has embraced God?  And does he now think himself cleanse of his murderous deeds? 

What was all that covering of their faces about during the Razak Baginda trial? Was it because the powers that be then had not yet work out how to play the murder of Altantuya out to the Malaysian public? And if they were found not guilty would they go back to serving UTK? The mind boggles as to how our justice system would allow such shenanigans in a murder case unequal in the annals of our nation's history...but then when Umno politicians are involved ....anything is possible! But I digress.....let us go back to Sirul.

These are the final moments of Altantuya's as told by Sirul just before she met her end at his hands.

"After urinating, she saw the weapon that I was holding. I saw that she was in a state of fear and she pleaded not to kill her and said she was expecting.

At the same time, Azilah wrestled the woman to the ground and I could see that she had fallen and was in an unconscious state. I opened fire towards the left side of the woman’s head".

Yes that is what Sirul said he did to Altantuya. 

Now when exactly did he do an examination on Altantuya to be able to tell us that she was not pregnant? Did Sirul examine her before the C4 or after the C4? 

If before the C4 what manner of examination did he do? 

He had said that Altantuya urinated....did he then used a hCG urine test which can detect pregnancy hormone in her urine?  And if he did how did he come to have the hCG pregnancy kit on his person? Or are all UTK operatives supplied with a hCG pregnancy testing kit in case they need to test whether their intended victim is pregnant or not

And if he examined her after the C4 blast....what was left of her remains that he could examined that would tell him whether she was pregnant of not?   

Anyone who will murder on command must first have been brain washed of simply lack the ability to think for himself! Most probably he was recruited by PDRM because he had nothing up there under that white skull cap and PDRM could program him to be what they want him to be. These are just conjectures on my part without much validity and tempered only by common sense....but time will out the truth.

Sirul is now bargaining for his life and his future. ...or course without a life he has no future but lets not get too academic about that.

With the Australian authorities he is bargaining with his life for he wants to be allowed to stay in Australia and not be returned to Malaysia where he is due to be hanged by the neck until he is dead! The possibility of being allowed to stay in Australia is real because the Australian government will not return Sirul to Malaysia if the death penalty awaits him.Do not ask me why not...but Australia does not subscribe to the death penalty for any reason.

Now if and when he is allowed to stay in Australia he will have his life... but how will he nourish his needs and his wants? 

How will he be "compensated" for the foul deed or murder that he has done at some one elses bidding and all the trials and tribulations he has had to endure in following those orders to murder Altantuya? Compensated not in the hundreds of thousands of ringgits but more in the millions that he has heard that others are being rewarded for "supporting" and doing bidding of his master's in Malaysia - be they be political masters or otherwise.

How is Najib involved in all this? Use your common sense....RM500 million commission is involved. Najib was the Defense Minister at that time "overseeing" the "award of that tender" given to Razak Baginda's company. Razak Baginda is a friend of Najib. And sex was across continents, sex with a Mongolian lady and sex that finally led to murder most foul by a specially trained member of the UTK using C4 in the employment of PDRM. And only the Army had guna otak sikit and ask yourself "was Najib involved or not"...and jangan lupa Najib's sexual exploits while he was Minister of Defense...he was one randy Minister! Again I digress.... back to Sirul!

The Australian government will most probably allow Sirul to stay in Australia because of that "death penalty" he has over his head. Ironic is it not? It is precisely because he is scheduled to be hanged by the Malaysia government until he is dead that the Australian government is allowing him to live!

So now he has to get busy trying to take care of his needs and his wants now that he will in all probability, has a life to live.

The  release of the two videos is a good start...and you can be sure that like the murder of Altantuya, this Sirul is again following orders to do this and to do that so that he will get his millions from those who have asked him to murder Altantuya.
We have seen this before. Remember Deepak....same modus operandai and he ended up with be exact RM215 million in total of our money from Bank Rakyat...and it costs Sabaruddin Chik his job as its chairman. Altantuya is bigger than what Deepak had on Najib....though Deepak, being a businessman, knew his way around as to how best to maximize his gains from that "business opportunity" and he did managed to squeeze Najib's balls to the tune of RM215 million of OUR money!

Some smart aleck must have told Sirul that if Deepak can get RM215 million of our money from Bank Rakyat...just think how much he can "sell his silence" on the murder of Altantuya for!  

Who would lose his job is Sirul talked? Najib Razak will and Najib Razak has billions in his personal account and Sirul will not even have to share the loot with his partner in crime.......  Azilah.

That is where Sirul is at right now....."but" ...and this is a very big "but!" 

This Sirul is a doer not a thinker. I doubt if he has the ability to scam Najib out of a few million without some assist from someone. He is only as good as his "advisers" who are in the background directing what he should and should not do get his big payday (and of course their cut of it too!).

So just a word of advise for Sirul...just make sure that his "advisers" are taking instructions from him and not from Najib!

How will all this end? 

Bottom line...they have to give Sirul enough millions of ringgits to buy his silence.  

Yes you may say there is always God and Sirul is already on his way to meet God half way if that white skull cap is any indication of his intents. But as we have seen time and time again....God more often than not, runs a close second to money. So short of doing a Bala (dead before everything have been kautim), SIrul is well on his way to being a millionaire - whether in ringgit or Aussie dollars. 

Who will make him a millionaire? 

Those for Najib or those against Najib?

Look for the tell tale signs.

If Sirul sings like a canary about the ins and outs of the Altantuya murder and Njib is implicated directly in the whole shennagins...that means the other side got to Sirul first.

Of course if Sirul starts talking about God, taubat...and doing the right thing by God know you will have to put up with Najib until at least the next election.

And what has all this got to do with getting justice for Altantuya? Nothing really....its all about keeping Najib in or out of office and making Sirul a millionaire.

And what is FLOM doing about all this? Who cares? Not me!  

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