
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What else is illegal in Malaysia?

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 27 — Any marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim is disallowed and is not recognised in this country and action can be taken…
(Bernama) – Any marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim is disallowed and is not recognised in this country and action can be taken by the state Islamic religious authorities, said Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director-general Datuk Othman Mustapha.

He said Islamic family laws state no Muslim man can marry a non-Muslim woman and no Muslim woman can marry a non-Muslim man.

“A marriage between spouses of different religions is completed prohibited and against the principle of beliefs of the Shafie sect (Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah) in Malaysia,” he said in a statement here today.

steadyaku47 comment :  Othman Mustapha, the DG of Jakim tells us that marriages between a Muslim and non-Muslim is illegal in Malaysia! Who cares? I do not!.

Why is he telling us this? What else is illegal in Malaysia? 

Has there been a run on Muslims marrying non-Muslims or non-Muslims marrying Muslims in Malaysia to such an extent that there is reason for Muslims to be worried about the state of Muslims and Islam in Malaysia? That we should be more worried about these marriages than what  corruption and money politics done by Muslims are doing to the Muslims, to Islam and to our country? 

Is the marrying of a Muslim to a non-Muslim so odious and unforgivable as the antics of a Muslim leader who deposits RM2.6 billion donation meant for Umno into his own personal account and then refuses to give a proper accounting of that money to not only the people of Malaysia (who have no business to know about that donation) but also to Umno (whom has a right to know as to what has been done to that donation!).

When did the marrying of Muslims with non-Muslim transcends from being a matter between the two of them and ALLAH to becoming something that this DG of Jakim feels is a matter that is important enough for public announcement when there are heads of Islam in their respective state, the Sultan in Pahang who have fathered a child out of wedlock and that of Selangor who continues with his liaison with a non-Muslim in matters of sexual gratification? And in the matter of these two Sultans and many other Muslims who engage in these kind of debauchery and sins forbidden by Islam, this DG have said nothing?

What about the many commitments made, broken promise and outright lies uttered by this Umno led Muslim leaders to other Muslim and other Malaysians? Why have the DG not taken to task these theives, robbers, liars and scammers who are all Muslims? 

So why is this DG telling us about it being illegal when Muslim marry non - Muslims? Has he got nothing better to say and do but police the minuscule number of Muslim that  marry non-Muslims while he ignores the elephant in the room - those Muslims who offend, disobey and ignore the tenets of Islam with impunity? The Muslim ministers who fornicate outside their matrimonial bonds, the ex CJ and others who married without the requisite permission of their first wife, what have this DG done to punish Razak Baginda for having sex not only outside the bonds of his marriage but also with a non-Muslim? By his silence does it make all that these people do legal and beyond the purview of Jakim?  

Is it because he does not have the balls to do what he must to defend Islam and prosecute those who offend Islam when they happen to be the high and mighty among the Muslims?
Or does this DG subscribe to that refrain "that the meek shall inherit the earth"? That it is easier for him go for those who are without the means to use power and influence to defend themselves and by so doing earn his considerable keep as DG of Jakim? 

As always I am disgusted by the antics of these kind of human being who tells us that no one has the right to question the existence of Jakim. I am appalled that time and time again Jakim are involved in issues that has no bearing or relevance to the matters that concerns Muslims living in a multi racial, multi religious society where tolerance and acceptance of other's point of view and beliefs are crucial to the well being of that society.
Instead they concern themselevs with petty matters and issues that divide not only the Malays and Muslims among ourselves but also continue to isolate the Muslim form the others in our society. 

Thus is not how Jakim should lead Muslims in the world that we now live him. If Jakim and this DG were to ask me, how then should they be doing their job...then I say Islam has already lost their relevance to unite and make the Muslims a positive force in Malaysia and also among the non-believers - Jakim and this DG is not part of the solution to the 1Malaysia that we aspire to - they are part of the problem as to why we are unable to achieve the Malaysia that we all want.          

Enough said. 


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