
Thursday, February 11, 2016

cakap cakap....Blogs, FaceBook Sites I Go To.

These are my "go to" FB sites and blogs that gives me the inspiration and the drive to keep working on my blog. The owners of these FB sites and blogs have their own take on issues and happenings in Bolehland and when I read what they write I too want to sit down and share my point of view with them and with anybody else that read what I write.

When I cannot better what they write ....then with or without their permission, I post their postings on my blog and FB to share it with everyone else. Call them keyboard warriors or cybertroopers of the "good" kind....they all never fail to make me ponder the issues of the day and at times, entertain me and take me away, even if for a moment or two, away from the madness that abounds in Bolehland.

I do not always agree with what they write. I do not always understand their point of view ...but it is enough to say that we all want what is best for our people, our nation and for the future of those that will come after us.

I try to update my blog as often as I can...I am aiming to do so at least once a day...but I still cannot lawan Pak Arshad! Not only is he a prolific churner of postings that comments and debates most things happening in Bolehland.......but everyone of Pak Arshad's postings bear reading simply because you will be the better for reading what he writes. Pak Arshad  writes  always with a passion that does not deviate from his intent to try and do what is right for our people, our nation and our future....precisely the thing we Neitzens are trying to do to. I know Pak Arshad is a Dato...but he has always been Pak Arshad to me and Pak Arshad it will be. Tabek Tuan!

Of course Art Harun informs and entertains me whenever he gets the urge to comment on things that may seem ordinary to us all...but he does so with that quirky twist that makes me smile and wonder to myself how his mind work! I though his recent "MB of Bangsar" take on the kemelut in Kedah is a classic! I had a smile on my face the whole damm evening!

All of them have their own quirks that defines them....Kassim SA can get dead serious and intense on some issues and then mix it up with some mischievous irrelevant comments that makes me smile. I have kept reminding Dian to tone down her rantings but it falls on deaf ears. If you want a measured, learned and introspective comment of all things Malaysian...go read Sopian Ahmad FB. When he told me that his last posting was in Wellington how was I to know that it was as High Commissioner..(is that an understatement or what!)..... and I call them all my bro or Dato's , no Datins....just "Pak" sometimes out of respect for their achievements in life. 

There are others that I go to from time to time and to all of them I say thank you for we are part of this "level playing field" they call the Internet where we can be judge, jury and executioner of whatever we want to write about...but hopefully all that is tempered by common sense, a sense of responsibility and fairness.....well if not all the time least for most of the time! 

Do not just take my word for all the link below and go visit them yourself!  
And my must "must go to" site everyday is "Malaysiakita"...everything is there!

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