
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Dato' Sopian Ahmad : The Malays must be made to realise that their political thinking must change. They must know critical thinking. They cannot anymore be so emotionally attached to "leaders." They must be objective in choosing leaders.

steadyaku47 comment : As this Umno led Barisan Nasional government descends into an abyss of self destruction and self mutilation as a result of the things they do in the name of government, the Internet has become the first line of battle between them and us as many of us take it upon ourselves to be judge, jury and executioner and do what we think we must to carry the battle to Umno before Umno bury us with their greed and corruption.

At times you can't see the trees for the forest.

That is why I am grateful from time to time, to come across clarity of thought, clarity of purpose and rationality in the writing of people who clearly are focused on the things that really matters : to work towards a better future for Malaysia sans corruption, sans self serving politicians and with the intent of having ethics and morality to be the cornerstone of good governance.

I have written of Sopian Ahmad before. Now who is Sopian Ahmad?

Career diplomat, Dato’ Sopian bin Ahmad is Malaysia’s new High Commissioner to New Zealand. He has had postings in the United Kingdom, Iran, Indonesia, Belgium, Thailand. Guinea and Pakistan. Prior to his posting to New Zealand, Dato’ Sopian bin Ahmad was seconded to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Jeddah as Assistant Secretary General.

Dato' Sopian is now retired and among the things he does in retirement is to write about his thoughts on the state of our nation today...and he does so with clarity, with a reasoned sense of purpose and unencumbered by any vested interest but that of trying to do what is right for King, country and its people. Following is an extract from his FB that I would like to share with you and you will be the better for it. I have and I am the better for it. Terima kasih Dato',   

Sopian Ahmad commented on this.
"Respect the present gov’t, Zahid chides former leaders
Now that they are no longer in power, the critics have become 'gila talak', says DPM."[Msiakini]
Saya bukannya seorang bekas pemimpin atau pemimpin. Tetapi saya sering mengkeritik gomen.
Kepada apa yg disebut oleh DPM Zahid diatas saya nak kata:
Do the right thing. I will not only respect the Gvt. I will also give my solid support to the Gvt. if and when the Gvt. start to do its best to fight against corruption and practice all elements of good governance. In fact, I could even help to campaign for the support for the Gvt. if leaders do the right things.

Naz Ghazali
Naz Ghazali Well said Dato Sopian Ahmad

Mohd Ibrahim Bakar
Mohd Ibrahim Bakar Telling the truth is very easy..not many know how to lie well..

Mohammed Ab Halim
Mohammed Ab Halim It has been said that you can't impose or beg or demand respect. You can earn respect only if you deserve it.
Likewise, we cannot expect people to have respect for law and order until we teach respect and ownership to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws.
If they make mistakes, they must own up to what they did wrong... to deserve our respect. Yes, it is conditional!
Sopian Ahmad
Sopian Ahmad Dato Halim, wisely said. And I sincerely believe that those in power today are deliberately testing the intelligence of the common people. They know what we are talking about but because of power they hold, they have become arrogance and irresponsible. Either they are so feudalistic in their thinking that whatever they say and by virtue of the power they hold, the people must obey and be loyal blindly to them or they are so naive. Either way, they are not fit to be leaders. The Malays must be made to realise that their political thinking must change. They must know critical thinking. They cannot anymore be so emotionally attached to "leaders." They must be objective in choosing leaders.

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