
Monday, February 22, 2016

Sopian Ahmad to Tun Musa Hitam : I beg to differ Tun....

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 21 ― Former deputy prime minister Tun Musa Hitam predicted the failure of Vision 2020 and blamed this on the man who envisioned the goal, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Musa, who was once deputy to Dr Mahathir, accused the country’s longest-serving prime minister of undermining the ideal by removing potential leaders and of retaining and training followers instead.

“It is ironical that Dr Mahathir’s vision is now certain to fail because of Dr Mahathir himself,” Musa said in a speech at the commemoration of the 113th birthday of Malaysia’s first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, organised by the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) here last night.

“Brilliant as he was, he forgot that in order to succeed, he needed to train leaders at all levels, but most important, political leaders. But his personal leadership record shows that he did away with all potential leaders, one by one and in groups, and retained and trained followers.

“And it is mostly these trained followers that had taken over the leadership of the country now. These trained followers are dedicated and loyal to whoever sits at the very top,” he added.

Sopian Ahmad kata:
I like Tun Musa very much. I regard him as a politician with principles.

Tetapi saya berbeza pendapat dengan Tun Musa mengenai penilaiannya terhadap wawasan 2020. 

Pada saya, entah entah idea 2020 itu pun belum tentu keujudannya tanpa Tun Mahathir. Gagasan 2020 itu besar dan luas dan tujuannya ialah untuk membawa keseluruhan Bangsa dan Negara kearah pembaharuan dan kemajuan. 

Perubahan pesat yg menjelma [kalau tak nak kreditkan kpd Tun Mahathir pun tak mengapa kerana saya pasti apa jua jasa Tun kepada Bangsa dan negara dia tidak pun menuntut, meminta atau mengharapkan pembalasan malah ucapan terimaksih dari rakyat pun tidak pernah ditagihkannya.] dibawah kepimpinan Tun Mahathir tidak dapat dinafikan.
Daripada negara berekonomi berasaskan pertanian kita telah menjadi kini ekonomi berasaskan pembuatan. Sumbangan sektor pembuatan kepada GDP negara sekarang adalah lebih tinggi dari sumbangan dari sektor pertanian. Perubahan struktural ini adalah sebahagian dari kejayaan wawasan 2020. 

Dalam bidang perkhidmatan, pelbagai teknoloji baru kini terpakai dan telah menambahkan kecekapan bangsa. Komputer menolong kita dalam Pembayaran bill, perbangkan, penyampaian pelajaran. Pengangkutan, darat, udara dan laut semua sudah berubah menjadi lebih maju. Ini semuanya sebahagian daripada wawasan 2020. Banyaklah lagi kejayaan yg telah wujud diMalaysia hari ini. 

Sudah pasti Tun Mahathir tidak berjaya 100% dalam mencapai impiannya dalam wawasan 2020. Adakah adil kita menghumban hukuman keatasnya sebagi pencetus kegagalan dalam hal begini?

Mungkin benar, dalam politik beliau berikhtiar untuk menjamin bahawa kuasanya tidak dicabar oleh sesiapa. But that is politics. Would you let your power be challenged easily? Power holders would protect their power the best they know. Power seekers would try their best to gain power. Such is the game in politics.

But to my mind, in so far as Wawasan 2020 is concerned it was and is never visualised that the responsibility for its success rest solely on Tun Mahathir. If the current crop of leaders failed to carry through and take the necessary steps to ensure the achievement of the goals of Wawasan 2020, Tun Mahathir cannot and should not be blamed. 

It is the current leaders who fail to do so!

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