
Thursday, February 4, 2016

The odious sense of entitlement rears its ugly head again! "Tak perlu aku nak ulas panjang kerana memang aku tak kawal emosi memberikan beberapa das penampar, penumpuk dan terajang kepada pekerja warganegara Pakistan itu"

Sir Azri's video.

Isu video yang viral Aku penumbuk dan terajang lelaki pekerja asing. Cerita yang sebenar untuk makluman semua agar kau orang faham :

4 perempuan, 2 orang adalah adik perempuan aku. Sweet sweet or main mata tu biasa pada aku sebab tu lumrah kegatalan orang lelaki. Tapi kalau dah buat aksi melampau dengan kelakuan tak senonoh maka itu sudah melampau dan seharusnya diberikan pengajaran......

Tak perlu aku nak ulas panjang kerana memang aku tak kawal emosi memberikan beberapa das penampar, penumpuk dan terajang kepada pekerja warganegara Pakistan itu. Dan akhir sekali aku minta pekerja warganegara Pakistan itu balik.

Jadi kalau kata tindakan aku tu salah maka benarlah ianya salah kerana mengambil tindakan tidak mengikut saluran undang undang. Tetapi selaku Abang dalam membela adik perempuan aku yang berumur 21 tahun, 23 tahun dan dua orang lagi kawanya berumur 23 tahun dan 20 tahun aku berbangga sebab setidak tidaknya aku melaksanakan tanggungjawap sebagai seorang Abang dan juga seorang lelaki.

read the rest of the story here.

steadyaku47 comment
"Jadi kalau kata tindakan aku tu salah maka benarlah ianya salah kerana mengambil tindakan tidak mengikut saluran undang undang". 
The man in the video does not dispute the fact that he has broken the law by assaulting and battering a foreign national who he alleges had "membuat gangguan seksual" upon his sister and her friends. 
Let us think back to what has happened in the past when Malaysian have taken it upon themselves to "punish" people who have done them "wrong".
Remember what happened to Kugan punished by the Police ?

Remember Teoh Beng Hock punished by MACC?

Remember the villagers of Memali punished by the BN government of Malaysia?

Remember the Yang di Pertuan Agong who killed his caddy with his Golf Club. Remember Aminurasyid the 14 year old student from Shah Alam who was shot dead by the Police? Remember all the times when Malaysians and the authorities take it upon themselves to punish those they think have done them wrong and then maybe you will begin to understand that this odious sense of entitlement to do as one please upon others who are unable to defend themselves (whether they are guilty or not!) because you can do so must cease if we are ever to become a nation of people who understand that we must do unto others what we want others to do unto you. 

The rule of law must prevail if we are ever to be thought of as a civilized nation, a civilized people where justice is dispensed by an independent court of law assisted by a responsible police force can trust. 

Sexual assaults upon one's sister does not give one the right to punch and kick the alleged perpetrator of the crime because you can do so. If we do then we descend into the realms of those countries in Africa and the Middle East where a life can be taken because one fells insulted by the actions of others without giving the victim an opportunity to defend themselves and have his say on what has transpired.

Let us hope that the Government of Pakistan will do the right thing in protecting its own citizen who are legally or illegally working in Malaysia from being treated in the way we have seen in the above video.

As for the Malaysian authorities...let us hope that enough "bad" publicity have been generated by the above video to force PDRM to take action against the individuals in the video who have assaulted and battered the Pakistani because he thinks he can do so with impunity.

As for the Pakistani who he alleged had "sexually assaulted" his sister....let the court decide on his guilt or innocence of that charge.

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