
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Sexual Habits of the Political Elites in Umno.

I would like to start this posting with this caveat. I am not writing about Tun Mahathir Mohammad or Tun Abdullah Badawi. To my knowledge, these two are beyond reproach in as far as their sex life is concern. Everybody else who consider themselves to be the "political elites" of Umno are fair game.

Notwithstanding what is written in the Koran, fornication outside the bonds of matrimony among the politically powerful in Umno is rife. I am not talking about those who legally take two, three of four wives. I am not talking about those who F & F (fuck and forget), F & P (fuck and pay)  nor those who partake of foreign whores while on government or private business abroad. This is something the human race are all guilty of from time to time. Men they say is overtly a sexual animal and covertly even more so.

No Sir....I want to talk about those who make fornication a sport of choice and expand as much energy, effort and cash in the pursuit of that sport as the All Blacks of New Zealand fame expand on the game of rugby.

You need two hands to clap and so fornication requires a willing partner  to partake in the deed. Now how that "willingness" is secured can make for interesting reading...but for brevity one word and one word only will do : CASH  - the more you have of it, the more the drawing power it has over the ladies. And more often than not, Malay girls are the eager recipient  of these exchanges - both of the cash and seminal fluids.

Where once the Sultans were the chief exponent of chasing after the ladies - today the Malays in Umno will put these Sultan to shame with their goings on in the Five Star hotels and Condos that dots the KL city area and the suburbs.

Shafie Apdal's name comes to mind when we talk of these matters.  as what happened has not only been documented but given the seal of being the truth and nothing but the truth by the High Court. 

A serious amount of money was involved in this caper. Just the driver of the lady involved got RM150,000 plus RM40,000 in costs awarded by the High Court because the actress involved who also happened to be his Boss, defamed him. 

Now if the driver got almost RM200,000 can you imagine how much the actress, his boss, got? RM1.5 million is the figured mentioned but like an iceberg, there is more than what meets the eye...and the idiot out of pocket is the randy Federal Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal. 

I cannot do better than Mariam Mokhtar in writing about the sexual exploits of these Umno and BN political elites and others. here it is with thanks to her for an exquisite write of a who is who of sexual hi jinks involving the high and mighty with cash a plenty!

By Miriam Mokhtar Malaysia Chronicle
The ringleader of this latest sex video is Rahim Tamby Chik. He is the disgraced, former Chief minister of Malacca who allegedly raped a minor and then had to resign. The underage girl’s grandmother sought a DAP MP’s help to bring Rahim Thamby to trial. That just shows how much trust ordinary Malays have in the elected Umno Malays. The DAP MP was himself thrown into prison. Did any of the other Umno Malays come to the defence of the girl?

Perhaps, the following questions should be incorporated in the history curriculum at school.
  • Who was the onetime UMNO deputy home affairs minister, who was allegedly implicated in the murder of a young woman? He is just like a current serving minister who is allegedly accused of rape. The widespread gossip connecting this onetime Umno deputy home affairs minister with the murder didn’t do his political career any harm. He was ultimately named Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister in the late 90s although he lost his parliamentary seat two years later and retired from politics.
  • Who was the Chief Minister who had an affair with a girl who eventually gave birth to an illegitimate child? He also kept an under-aged mistress at a condominium in Kuala Lumpur. In 2003, he was also rumoured to be involved with the death of another attractive young woman was found murdered in an apartment in a Kuala Lumpur suburb. Although another individual was arrested and charged with the murder, he was later declared not guilty and no one else was ever charged. The inspector general of police, Mohd Bakri Omar, classified the case under Malaysia’s Official Secrets Act and no details were ever released.
  • Who was the non-politician but Umno mouthpiece who had an affair with a young girl while his wife lay paralysed in bed?
  • Who was the Chief Minister who eloped to Thailand to secretly marry his second wife?
  • Who is the Federal Minister who was caught with a female artiste in a Port Dickson hotel?
  • Who is the Federal Minister whose brother was arrested for drug trafficking?
  • Which Federal Minister had an affair with someone else’s wife and this eventually resulted in a broken marriage?
  • Which religious leader had an illicit affair and who now holds a prominent position in a very important government religious body?
  • Which Chief Minister had an affair with his sister-in-law who then gave birth to an illegitimate child?
  • Who is the son of the prominent politician who was implicated in the 2007 death of a beautiful Indian actress? The woman’s body was cremated almost immediately after her death.
  • Who is the minister who was implicated in Malaysia’ own deep throat sexploits and would put Emmanuel to shame?
  • Who is the current serving cabinet minister who is accused of raping his maid?
  • Who is the current MP who betrayed his first wife by marrying a young starlet? His second marriage was not blessed by a recognised … court official and he himself is reknowned for using gutter language in the Dewan Rakyat?
  • Which Malaysian Ambassador has been guilty of sexually exploiting women?
With ministers like these in Najib’s Sex Cabinet line-up, how could the rakyat trust the government, its courts, the police and its ministers? Very few of the privileged elite who make up the politically powerful and rich in Malaysia ever get punished.

from Miriam Mokhtar’s column “Najib’s ‘Talented, Wise And Thoughtful’ cabinet”   » Malaysia Chronicle




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