
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Clare Rewcastle gets retraction from Malaysia Today.

Raja Petra's blog retracts anti-Clare article, expresses regret, a blog owned by blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, has retracted an article discrediting Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown, who had written extensively about the multi-billion ringgit deposits received by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and 1MDB.

The article, titled 'A Record of Untrue Stories - The Case of Clare Rewcastle', also carried a picture of Rewcastle-Brown with the caption, 'A fraudulent journalist'.

In Malaysia Today's statement of regret published on its website yesterday, the portal noted that the article made a number of allegations against Rewcastle-Brown, who had complained that they were untrue.

"We did not write the article and were not involved in its writing and we do not have any relationship with its authors.

"We do not know who the authors are and do not endorse the article.

"We took the article down from our site after we received her complaint and we regret any distress caused," Malaysia Today said.

The statement of regret came after a letter of demand was issued to Raja Petra by Rewcastle-Brown's lawyers on April 7.

The article was first published on Open Source Investigations (OSI), which presents itself as an international investigative outfit.

However, the site appears to only have an interest in Malaysia, as its material on other countries were all taken from other sources.

The mysterious outfit largely produces its own content on Malaysia, most of which target critics and opponents of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

It is not clear as to who is behind OSI, which was set up in December last year.

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