
Friday, April 15, 2016

Cameron must resign: He put £2 million in an offshore account not the £30,000

David Cameron


British Prime Minister David Cameron is in the limelight because of accusations of money laundering. According to reports, he put 2 million pounds in an offshore account.

British Prime Minister David Cameron tried to fend off criticism of an offshore trust maintained in the Bahamas by his father Ian Cameron and which he inherited upon his father’s death in 2010. The details of the trust were contained in the massive tranche of documents from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, which were leaked to the media by the dubious International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), an operation funded by George Soros, the CIA-connected U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation.

In defending his connection to the tax-avoidance trust, Blairmore Holdings Inc., for which his father was a director, Cameron said, “We owned 5,000 units in Blairmore Investment Trust, which we sold in January 2010. That was worth something like 30,000 pounds.” By “we,” Cameron was referring to himself and wife Samantha, who jointly held the Bahamas trust. In related news, WMR has learned that the financial scandal involving both Blairmore Holdings, Inc. and the JR Central £2 million pay-off to Cameron has resulted in significant marital problems between David and Samantha Cameron and that a divorce is imminent.

However, according to senior British Conservative Party sources who spoke on background to WMR, Cameron had at least £2 million in offshore accounts. The money was paid to Cameron, according to the sources, as part of a deal by JR Central, a subsidiary of Japan Railways, to secure a lucrative contract to lay new rails for HS2, the new high-speed British rail system. When completed, the rail system was designed to be faster than the French TGV high-speed railway.

In order to ensure that JR Central received the contract for laying the rails for HS2, the firm spread the largesse of its bribes across the British political spectrum in 2015. In addition to Cameron’s £2 million; £1 million to Sir Jeremy Heywood, Britain’s Cabinet Secretary and senior civil servant; £1 million to Nick Clegg, the former leader of the Liberal Democratic Party and Cameron’s deputy prime minister in the ill-fated Tory-Lib Dem coalition that survived until 2015; and £1 million to Ed Miliband, the former leader of the Labor Party.
In addition to the individual pay-offs, WMR has been informed that JR Central arranged what were described as “bungs,” English slang for “bribes,” to the major political parties. The Conservative Party received £25 million, Labor £10 million, and the Liberal Democrats £10 million.

The entire £50 million bribery package was paid through Nomura Bank in Tokyo. However, British intelligence sources told WMR that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency detected the movement of the money. Based on a tip-off by CIA officers in London, Tory political leaders, who are in favor of a British exit from the European Union, discovered the Japanese money in Conservative Party accounts. These anti-EU Conservative politicians also discovered that Cameron arranged for the JR Central pay-off when, after his Liberal Democratic and pro-EU coalition partners were decimated in the 2015 election, Cameron was forced to commit to a referendum to approve continued EU membership for the United Kingdom. Before the election, Cameron and Heywood secretly agreed that there would be no referendum on continued EU membership for Britain.

The multi-billion pound railway contract for JR Central was contingent on Britain remaining inside the European Union. Cameron and the Japanese had every reason to keep Britain inside the EU and promote the “yes to Europe” vote in the referendum.

Cameron is facing calls for his resignation as a result of the £30,000 offshore trust in the Bahamas. The real scandal, WMR is told by authoritative sources inside the Conservative Party and MI-6 is that Cameron has siphoned into offshore accounts more than £2 million.


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