
Thursday, May 26, 2016

The LAW against PUBLIC OPINION : Who Wins?


Najib “I have maintained all along: that no crime was committed.....This issue has been an unnecessary distraction for the country. Now that the matter has been comprehensively put to rest, it is time for us to unite and move on". Asked if his conscience was clear.. “Yes, absolutely clear.....I have not committed any offence or malpractice.

On the RM 2.6 billion donation the attorney General, Apandi said: “I am satisfied that there is no evidence to show that the donation was a form of gratification given corruptly. Evidence obtained from the investigation does not show that the donation was given as an inducement or a reward for doing or forbearing to do anything in relation to his capacity as prime minister.” 

On 1MDB: Najib Razak's Lawyer, Mohd Hafarizam Harun, said today that Najib Razak’s signature on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) documents do not necessarily mean that the prime minister has knowledge of or makes the decisions on 1MDB was merely to meet corporate governance requirements:  “It’s just like a formality, you just have to go through the process, because it is operational in the sense without the signature of the prime minister, Article 117 is breached; therefore corporate governance is not complied, that’s how I look at it.....But it is not something to be read that the prime minister decides almost everything in 1MDB, I’m sure he doesn’t know what’s happening because the board of directors are entrusted to it,”

In the matter of Rosmah Mansor aka Spouse of the Prime Minister aka Flom the Flop visit to Qatar in the Government private jet: "Keputusan yang di buat oleh meysuarat cabinet...apa pulak yang salah? Kalau keputusan cabinet nak beri private jet kepada Shah Alam pon dia boleh buat" Azalina in Parliament.

PAC Chairman - Cari Makan
"I told the media that my remark 'saya pun cari makan (I too need to earn a living)' should not be reported as it was a joke as before this, I had said there was no need to call in the Prime Minister (to testify before the Public Accounts Committee)," explained Hasan.

Putrajaya boots out Mahathir from Petronas

steadyaku47 comment :

What Najib Razak says about 1MDB and that RM2.6 billion donation he received from a Saudi Prince are true. He has not broken any law in receiving that RM2.6 billion donation nor has he committed any crime (so far as we know it until now) re his position as Chairman of the Board of 1MDB.

If the Malaysian Cabinet makes a decision to allow Rosmah Mansor or anybody else, to use the government private jet for what ever reasons, the Cabinet is within it's right to do so. 

The BN government too has the right to withdraw whatever privileges it has accorded to a former Prime Minister.

And there is nothing wrong in the Chairman of PAC telling reporters in jest that he too must "cari makan".

None of what has been done or said breaks any law in Malaysia. 

Then there has been the appointment of Isa Samad  - a politicians convicted of money politics/corruption by UMNO's own disciplinary board, the appointment of Rahim Thambi Chik,who raped an underage Malay school girl and then the dubious appointment of Azeez as Chairman of Tabung Haji.....Let us be clear that all this is the prerogative of the BN Prime Minister to do.

And is there anything in our laws to prevent the daughter of the Inspector General of Police from operating an arms and ammunition outlet? No ...nothing!  

So why has there been such an outcry from the Rakyat against all of the above that has been done in accordance with the laws of Malaysia and within the prerogative of the Prime Minister of Malaysia? 

Why has all that has been done in accordance with the laws of the land resulted in Najib being investigated by nine countries and counting? 

Why has the trip to Qatar by Rosmah been loudly castigated by Malaysians as a waste of our money and another example of Flom the Flop getting her way with Najib and the entire Malaysian cabinet?

Why has the AG become an object of contempt, derision and considered a man without iintegrity by  Malaysians and the laughing stock of the Bar Council for declaring that Najib has done nothing wrong in accepting the RM2.6 billion donation? Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi!

Why is the Chairman of PAC considered a man beholden to Najib Razak, more concerned about "cari makan" and taking care of his own job rather than in finding the truth about the criminal goings on in 1MDB? 

Why indeed! Observe Mark Twain's words....and wonder why no more!  

No matter what the prime minister decides, no matter what his wife decides, no matter what cabinet, what BN or UMNO decides.....the final arbitrator of what is right or wrong, what is legal or illegal, what is good or bad is "PUBLIC OPINION!". 

It was PUBLIC OPINION that made Hitler Chancellor of Germany because the majority of Germans thought him to be the best man for the job then and yet  today PUBLIC OPINION in Germany wants to forget that Hitler ever existed - that he is pure evil like a demon sprung out of  hell.

Sukarno, Suharto, Marcos..were once the darling of their people until what they do in the name of government made PUBLIC OPINION  turn against them and resulted in their ouster from power.

It would do Najib, Rosmah and the entire band of thugs and hoodlums who are enamoured with his "Cash is King" mantra to take a step back and consider what is now happening in Malaysia. 

Consider whether PUBLIC OPINION is for or against what you idiots are doing? What do the PUBLIC like and what the PUBLIC do not like. What the PUBLIC think is right and what the PUBLIC think is wrong! 

Yes there is nothing to limit what any political parties can receive in donations.....but ask yourself what the public thinks about the prime minister putting RM2.6 billion of donation into his private bank account. 

Ask yourself what the PUBLIC thinks of any body receiving that amount of money from anybody and putting that money for "safe keeping" into their own personal bank account! 

Start thinking about what the PUBLIC think about all this madness that you think you can do because the law allows you to do so.

Then maybe instead of talking about what the law allows you to do and what you can do because you may start thinking about the right and wrong of what you do....about common sense and rationality in the things that you do,,,,and then maybe you can begin to  have some sense of what is right and what is wrong according to the PUBLIC!

That is what is missing in our nation today...that lack of a sense of right and wrong ...justice and fairness and that sense of "do not do unto others what you do not want done unto you"....then maybe you can start to do the right things...and stop doing what is wrong.

We can defend our home against intruders and yet our laws punish home owners who use "undue" force in defending their home and family from intruders and robbers.

“There is no right of private defence in cases in which there is time to have recourse to the protection of the public authorities”, and Subsection (4) which states: “The right of private defence in no case extends to the inflicting of more harm than it is necessary to inflict for the purpose of defence”. 

In the case of PDRM :
KUALA LUMPUR (June 26, 2013): The family of A. Kugan, 22, who died in police custody on Jan 20, 2009 won their civil suit today against the Royal Malaysian Police and the government.
High Court judge Datuk V. T. Singham awarded the family RM851,700 in damages after finding all five defendants liable for vicarious liability, false imprisonment, misfeasance in public office, and assault and battery leading to Kugan’s death.
He took to task the defendants – including Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar – for Kugan’s death at the Taipan police station in Subang Jaya, Selangor, four years ago.
The others are Constable V. Navindran, of the Taipan police station, the late Zainal Rashid Abu Bakar, who was the Subang Jaya OCPD at the time of the incident, and the government of Malaysia.

Yes PDRM can hold people on remand if they suspect there is a case for doing so but that does not absolve the police from a duty of care to ensure that those in their custody are safe and secure - and not subject to torture and murder PDRM will be held accountable if they abuse the powers vested within them to murder those in their custody.

This prime minister and his cabinet has been vested with executive powers to make decision while in government. These decision must be made using common sense and an understanding of what is right and what is wrong, what is legal and what is not and these must be made mindful of what the people of the nation wants to be done. 

We do not think it right that the PM should have RM2.6 billion in his personal account for what ever reason.

We do not think it right that 1MDB now has debts in the billions and have 7 countries investigating its activities.

We do not think it right that a man convicted of money politics, a pedophile and a man of dubious qualifications are appointed to high public office to look after our interest in the entities that they managed in our name. 

We certainly do not think it right that the wife of a prime minister have use of the government private jet to go anywhere in the world for any reason unless she is accompanying her husband in his official duties.

There are many other things we do not think that the prime minister and his cabinet has done.

There are many other things that we think that the prime minister's wife and his family should not have done....but for now we know that all that we do not think is right that is being done in this country, and to this country, counts for noting.  

It will fall upon deaf ears because this prime minister, his cabinet and the BN government think that they make the decisions...not us. They think that because they have been elected to office they can decide on our behalf on any matter before them.  

After 60 years of BN rule led by UMNO we know that this is how things are now in our country. 

Whether it has been enough for the people to decide that there want a change in government at the next general election is for them to decide and we can only know the result after the next general election.

No matter what any political party will tell you, promise you, or what they declare they intend to do if the final analysis it will be the people vote that will make a difference - and decide who will form government after the next general election. 

So until then keep that stone hidden in your hand until you need to use it against those that 
seek to take from you the right of free choice in deciding who should govern your country on your behalf.
Lawan mesti Lawan! 

Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Harun said today.
Mohd Hafarizam said the signing of the documents does not necessarily mean that the prime minister has knowledge of or makes the decisions on 1MDB matters.
“It’s just like a formality, you just have to go through the process, because it is operational in the sense without the signature of the prime minister, Article 117 is breached; therefore corporate governance is not complied, that’s how I look at it.
“But it is not something to be read that the prime minister decides almost everything in 1MDB, I’m sure he doesn’t know what’s happening because the board of directors are entrusted to it,” he told reporters when met at the court complex here.
- See more at:
KUALA LUMPUR, April 13 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s signature on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) documents was merely to meet corporate governance requirements, his lawyer Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Harun said today.
Mohd Hafarizam said the signing of the documents do not necessarily mean that the prime minister has knowledge of or makes the decisions on 1MDB matters.
“It’s just like a formality, you just have to go through the process, because it is operational in the sense without the signature of the prime minister, Article 117 is breached; therefore corporate governance is not complied, that’s how I look at it.
“But it is not something to be read that the prime minister decides almost everything in 1MDB, I’m sure he doesn’t know what’s happening because the board of directors are entrusted to it,” he told reporters when met at the court complex here.

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