
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Late Karpal of Malaysia's truly great son's who had given his all for the nation he so loved.

    Today in the Court of Appeal, Putrajaya our appeal against my husband Karpals conviction was dismissed. But it was a bitter-sweet decision with the fine reduced from RM4000 to RM1800.

    I thank the Honourable Judges for allowing the appeal on sentence which entitles me his pension.

    However, to me it is not only about money. His pension reflects his hard work, honour and contributions to the nation both in the legal and political arena for more than 40 years.

    It should be noted the decision affirming the conviction was by way of a majority with one dissenting namely Justice Maimun who was of the view the conviction against Karpal should be set aside.

    She said Karpal as a senior criminal lawyer he was merely sharing his legal opinion.
    In relation to reducing the fine, the prosecution did not strenuously object and in fact the DPP had acknowledged Karpal's contribution to the legal field. 

    In my opinion, my husband is crystal clear innocent. Karpal never harboured any ill intention against any party. 

    I also thank my lawyers who are also my children YB Gobind Singh, YB Ramkarpal Singh and Sangeet Kaur Deo for all the effort they put into this. 

    Thank you dear friends and family for all your prayers and moral support.

    steadyaku47 comment : Madam...long after you and I are gone. Long after all those against whom you late husband have politically opposed because of what they have done and are still doing to our people and our nation are also gone....and many many decades from now....your husband will still be spoken of by the legal fraternity and the people of Malaysia as being one of Malaysia's truly great son's who had given his all for the nation he so loved. 
    And for that Madam, we are grateful.

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