
Sunday, August 14, 2016


steadyaku47 comment : Article by Prof Azmi Sharom Uni Malaya in Malaysian Chronicles  - with translation into Bahasa by saudara Sopian Ahmad.

Sopian Ahmad

Saya terbaca tulisan Prof Azmi Sharom Uni. Malaya dalam Msian Chronicle. Saya terjemah lebih kurang lagu ni lah.

Undi orang Melayu adalah cukup penting diMsia ni. Jadi lagu mana orang Melayu berfikir?
Cuba tengok apa yg sedang berlaku. Sementara negara dicengkam dengan isu rasuah besar yg boleh memusnahkan keseluruhan sistem pengurusan kerajaan Bangsa Melayu sedang dihumbankan dengan penceritaan yg cukup membodohkan.

Seorang pensyarah universiti berhujjah bahawa Jabatan Keadilan Amerika [DOJ] tak boleh dipercayai kerana mereka kafir!

Dan Ketua Menteri Melaka kata tindakan JKA atau DOJ itu macam Amerika menyerang Malaysia macam depa serang Iraq dulu!

Tiba tiba siasatan kes rasuah oleh Amerika [DOJ atau JKA] dinegeri mereka [kerana kesalahan dilakukan diAmerika], pada kepala otak orang Melayu, dah jadi macam peperangan suci diantara orang kafir dan Melayu Muslim Malaya!

Punya lah bengong nya!

Dah lah macam tu, kalu depa tak dok cari helah paling lemah untuk menutup kemungkaran rasuah yg cukup memalukan itu depa sebok menimbulkan hal remeh temeh untuk melencungkan perhatian orang Melayu. depa keluarlah fatwa POKEMAN Go tu haram lah; concert Selena Gomez tu berdosa la, dan macam macam lagi lah!

Tambah tambah lagi, kita ada parti baru yang akan menyelamatkan Malaysia dari kerajaan yg korap. Parti ini bertujuan memenangi undi orang Melayu dan Pribumi. Jadi Parti ini akan dianggotai oleh orang Melayu dan Pribumi. Kaum lain boleh jadi ahli bersekutu.

Nampak macam orang berpengaruh diMsia fikir bahawa pengundi Melayu boleh mempercayai rasuah tidak berlaku sekiranya siasatan dilakukan oleh orang kafir! Depa ingat orang Melayu boleh dilencungkan kepada isu isu bodoh. Dan depa ingat orang Melayu hanya mampu berfikir secara perkauman.

Kalu lagu ni lah orang Melayu berfikir keadaan nya cukuplah menekan dan menyedihkan.

Saturday, 13 August 2016 23:59


Written by Azmi Sharom

The Malay vote is crucial in Malaysian politics. This fact cannot be denied. So, the question is how does the Malay mind work?

If we look at recent events, we can see an unpleasant picture. While the country is in the grip of a financial scandal of a potentially crippling magnitude the Malay heartland is being fed with ridiculous ideas.

A university lecturer actually argued that the American Department of Justice cannot be trusted because they are infidels. And the Chief Minister of Melaka chipped in by saying that the DOJ report is akin to the Americans attacking Malaysia similar to their attack on Iraq.

Suddenly an investigation into corruption by a government who are perfectly within their rights to do so on their own territory becomes something of a Holy War between the infidel and good Malaysian Muslims.

Just how stupid do these people think Malays are?

And if they are not making the lamest excuses to try to cover up this shameful incident, they are raising non-issues to distract. Pokemon Go becomes something worthy of a fatwa. A concert is deemed sinful. And the list goes on.

To make matters worse, we have a new party who are supposed to be saving the country from a corrupt government. This party is created to win over Malay votes from the ruling party. And they say that the only way to do this is to make sure that the party is open only to bumiputra.

Therefore, if we look at all these developments we can see that those in positions of influence think that the Malay voter can be convinced that there is no corruption in the country as long as those doing the investigations are not Muslim. They also think that the Malay voter is easily distracted by stupid issues. And finally they think that Malays are only able to look at politics through a racial lens.

It is very depressing that the Malay is seen as an ethnic group that can be swayed by such ridiculous thinking. It is more depressing to think that this may be correct.

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