
Friday, August 19, 2016

Quickies : Musalmah Abd Manas says : Ya ALLAH apa jenis ckp mcm ni. Naik..tapi x membebankan..

There are moron, imbecile, fool, simpleton, blockhead, ninny, ass, nincompoop, dolt, nitwit, jerk, clod, dummy, dimwit etc etc....and then there is Najib Razak! 

A word has not been invented that can aptly describe this man. 

In time to come, people from all walks of life, from all races, from all religion, all gender, the young and the old....many many people here, there and elsewhere and from parts unknown will just have to insist that their leaders will never ever "do a Najib!"....and if you want to know what that it is again : It means do not be a moron, imbecile, fool, simpleton, blockhead, ninny, ass, nincompoop, dolt, nitwit, jerk, clod, dummy, dimwit....that's what "doing a Najib" means!

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