
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

cakap cakap....Citizen Nades

Citizen Nades R
This is the foreword to my book written by Mohd Nor Mohamad. Thank you, datuk.


The author, R. Nadeswaran, needs little introduction. For the past 15 years, he has been the face of The Sun. Using his name and his nom du plume -- Citizen Nades, -- he churns out a twice-weekly, column which is a “fix” for thousands of Malaysians. He has also been labelled as “The most dangerous man in Malaysia” for his no-holds-barred, incisive and penetrating commentaries.
I had the opportunity of reading transcripts of this book before it went to print. It is the result of many years of record-keeping and putting together the behind-the-scenes activities of a journalist par excellence. 
This book provides the reader an insight into how he went about exposing lack of governance in the public sector. He has laid bare some of the almost unbelievable methods in which public funds have been squandered.
Over the years, in the course of our irregular late night meetings, Nades has often regaled our small circle of friends with information he had obtained in the course of his investigative work. He would “pick our brains” – so to speak – on how to handle stories, especially those involving government officials. More often than not, he is able to connect the dots with our input.
As a retired accountant, I have sometimes offered counsel to the author but I cringe when I come across such happenings becoming the norm in our society. Understandably, he pours out some of his frustrations ion not being able to get the authorities to act against those who indulge in illegal practices.
It is sad to note that despite all that has been exposed by Nades and the newspaper; only one or two have gone to court. But he should take consolation that he has been responsible for stopping the government in engaging with two unproductive “investments.”
The chapter on the aborted sports centre in Brickendonbury tells us of his single-handed resolve in preventing the government from spending millions of ringgit which would have brought little or no benefits to Malaysians. He overcame the hurdles – official and unofficial and even threats by those in position.
Similarly, he fought relentlessly and succeeded in getting Tourism Malaysia to implement an open and transparent tender system in the appointment of designers for the Chelsea Flower Show in London. If not for his persistence, some abang-adik company would have been given the deal.
I sympathise and empathise with his inability to get the wheels of justice in motion. As a journalist and a lone crusader, he can only expose the shenanigans, after which the enforcement agencies have to take over. However, as this book show, it has yet to happen.
Thank you, Nades for sharing your thoughts, views, opinions and the exchange of information to your fellow countrymen. As you have continually advocated, we, the citizens have the right to the truth.
(The founder of the accounting firm -- Hanafiah, Raslan Mohamad (HRM) and a former treasurer of Selangor Umno.)

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