
Monday, May 1, 2017

cakap cakap...Life and Blogging

I have taken a short break from writing these last week or so....sometimes my mind needs that break...sometimes my physical self needs that break and at times there are other things in my life that is more important than work on this blog....and so I cut and paste rather then sit and write.

Last night after dinner : dinner was a leg of lamb roasted for over two hours in the oven : I started blogging in earnest to make up for the almost two lazy weeks I have been away from "real" blogging and I do so with much gusto for I know that by Monday evening....esok...I will reach my fourteen million clicks.,,and terima kasih for reading what I write.

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This morning a video clip was forwarded to me where we have the spectacle of a "man" going on about what the Malays have done to deserve being the "Tuan" of this country of ours. 

Siapa Tuan Siapa Hamba. Hubris Speaks

My initial reaction was one of pity for an individual that is unable to comprehend that we are now living in a different world from the one he still lives in....and common sense tells me to dismiss these kind of rhetoric's and move on with life...and that would be the end of it....except for one sad truth. And the truth is simply this....there are many others like him not only among the Malays and Muslims but sadly, among the Chinese, Indians and even among those in Sabah and Sarawak. These religious and racial zealots are present in enough numbers to worry the rest of us....and when these religious and racial zealots are given "political license" to carry on with their toxic messages of "kill or be kill"...then we need to sit up and take notice of what they say and we must do what we must to stop them from continuing with their toxic tirades.....and so I have highlighted this particular individual not to raise the ire of the Malays and the Muslims against the others...but with the hope that you will all understand that these kind of individuals, within any race and within any religion, must be exposed for the harm they all do to our society and to our way of life.          

Yesterday, after having read much of what Rafizi has done with INVOKE, I wanted to write about my admiration and respect for what this young man has done towards our cause and crusade to rid our country of corruption and the two most robust proponent of it : najib and rosmah. I fear that his own party - PKR - is not doing enough to support him in his work for the simple reason that Rafizi is considered to be a threat to a few others within PKR who are seeing their position within PKR bring challenged by the rise and rise of Rafizi even as the najib regime seeks to send him to join Anwar in Sugar Buloh. 

The 1MDB juggernaut continues to threaten the annihilation of najib, rosmah and his cohorts.....and we must make that happen sooner rather than later. I think the tipping point has been reached. If we are to liken najib and rosmah's position to a search and rescue mission...we have past the stage of a rescue to save najib and rosmah from 1MDB. It is an important stage because a rescue is when you try to save someone who is still alive from danger. 

The 1MDB situation is now a search and recover operation designed to retrieve a body or someone that has already lost the fight to a particular this case, najib and rosmah have already been overwhelmed, smothered and suffocated by the 1MDB juggernaut and all that we are waiting for is for the fat lady to sing. And we know there is already FLOM in the house....FAT LADY OF sure die one lah! 

The other interesting development is in Selangor where Azmin Ali is fighting for his political survival with PAS threatening to go all the way with umno. 

Let us together watch these developments with interest and without much sympathy for the participants for they have no one but themselves to blame for the situation they are in. 

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