
Sunday, September 17, 2017

cakap cakap pagi Ahad.

a new day beckons....
It is just past 9.30 am. Have been waking up late too many times this week. Honestly I have been feeling my age....much too often I find myself reaching out for the chair or anything handy to stop myself from toppling over as I try to steer myself around the unit I live in. This is not good. Old age is already upon me when I have already made a pact with it to not come so soon because I need to be healthy to take care of my other half....but I guess I talked and old age did not worries...I will adjust.

A few days back...I do not know when exactly...I hit sixteen million clicks...thank you all for reading what I write. Syiok sendiri for a while ...but as always...not a word from my wife (for obvious reasons) but none also from my son Zack or daughter Terrina. So much for family support!   

Had a good laugh re Rosmah "shop till she drops" shopping trip to the US, London and God knows where else.....all done of course at our expense and a smile at the poor fat dumpy idiot accompanying her on that trip....though he did got lucky for a few minutes when he managed to lose her on his trip to the Rumah Putih. Everybody has had their say on that included...and I will end my say with these two words to Najib...Up Yours!   

I am sadden by the death of those children in the religious school accident waiting to happen, an accident that will happen again for the very same reason that it has happened before....and certainly the reactions and recriminations after the fact will mirror what has happened in the past : no lessons learnt, no responsibility taken by anyone nor will responsibility be imposed on anymore for having caused the death of those children ...and as always, ALLAH will somehow be called upon and used to make right all the things done wrong by those responsible.  

It is time for me to ready myself for the day to come. There is a great deal of Sunday  still left and I must go enjoy it with those that I love. For a start there is much to be thought of...for starters Lunch! Mostly probably either McDonalds or Subway...and then we will be happy with the life we now have and think about how good life is when we are healthy and wise...well not too much of the "wise" bit...but certainly plenty of the "healthy" bit...for even if my wife is with Dementia, she is not in pain, she is healthy and seems contented. And when my wife is am I.

Life is good! 

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