
Monday, September 18, 2017

Open letter to Halimah Yacob from your Neighbours

Posted as Received!

*Wow... a strongly worded letter from apartment residents to their new President of Singapore:  😬😬*
Today 12:09 AM
Default Open letter to Halimah Yacob from your Neighbours

Dear Halimah,
Ok, thank you very much, the show has been fun, but please move on now. We are quite upset that you have indicated that you will stay in your Yishun flat instead of moving to the Istana. *Please consider the following points:*
1)By insisting on staying in your flat in Yishun, you are causing a major inconvenience to your neighbours. Already, 2 parking spots downstairs have been reserved for police vehicles, as well, the constant stream of reporters, and other members of your presidential entourage compete for parking space in an already scarce parking lot. Look at the size of the parking lot, you can see how small it is, it’s not a multi storey parking structure. *How and where are we going to park our vehicles?* We as locals are being flooded by a deluge of non resident parking in our area, much akin to our locals being flooded by a deluge of FTs.
2)Please dignify the Presidential appointment by residing in the official residence. This is the highest office in the land. All our prior Presidents have accorded it the respect it deserves by residing in the official residence where they easily entertain foreign guests and dignitaries. The residence of the President lends prestige and honour to the position. A HDB flat does not. *There is a multimillion $ budget created for the upkeep and maintenance of the Istana. If you are not planning to reside there, then it’s just taxpayer money that is wasted, or do you care at all? Obviously, you are not going to entertain foreign VIP guests in your flat, which means you have to commute every day in your entourage of police outrider bikes and police cars to fulfill your duties at the Istana. For a govt that is harping on productivity and for a supposed Union chief, this does not sound to productive to me, versus staying in the Istana and walking to your appointments. Is this a case of *“You can take the Makcik out of the kampong, but you cannot take the kampong out of the makcik?”*
3) Already, the Police and other assorted SOs are stopping everyone around the area to ask for their IC and their business. People living in the neighbouring blocks have to go through police questioning every time they leave and return home. Maybe this means nothing to you. But it does mean something to us. You have claimed that your flat was very convenient. That’s great. *Others are being inconvenience so that you can remain convenient.*
4) If you think that you are being like one of the people by staying in your HDB flat, we want to tell you that the Elected President Non election show was already too much, the show has ended but you are continuing the wayang. In the first place, no heartlanders have a flat the size of yours. Your own husband Mr Mohamed Adullah Alhabshee, said was "as huge as a penthouse". We all know you obtained your flat by buying 2 units and then tearing the war down between the 2 flats to make a jumbo flat. How many flat dwellers are allowed to do this? How many flat dwellers live in a flat that is as big as yours? They will be lucky to have a flat half the size. *And they will receive a letter from HDB lawyers if they went ahead to tear down a common wall between 2 units.* Lets be clear on one thing. You have not live like a common HDB flat dweller, you have earned your money the hard way like a common person, and you sure are not like a HDB dweller. So, lets drop the wayang. 
*So, for all these reasons listed above, kindly pack up as soon as possible and vacate the premises.*

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