
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Voltaire : IF CASH BE KING

If cash be king
In masquerade as a philanthropist 
Generous with money
That never was yours
You will be known
And cursed to infinity

If cash be King
And a thief known as such 
Masquerades as a finance minister,
To pillage the earnings of others
You will be loathed
And cursed to infinity

If cash be King
And a murderer known as such
Masquerades as a silent mannequin 
To kill models and bankers 
You will be hated
And cursed to infinity

If cash be King 
And a rapist known as such 
Masquerades as a golfer 
While floods and quakes sing misery
You will be hounded
And cursed to infinity 

If cash be King 
And a lecherous wolves known as such
Masquerades as Spielberg 
Fame will be your shame
And cursed to infinity 

If cash be King
Scallywags pirates known as such
Masquerading as Commander in Chief
Toss between Jolly Rodger 
Or Cross and bones as personal flag
On sunken submarines
You will be vilified 
And cursed to infinity 

If cash be King
And the scoundrels, schemers, scammers and swine
Masquerade as lovers and leaders
You will be bleached of 
All that you leached 
And cursed to infinity

If cash be King
And a plunderer, known as such
Masquerades as a preacher
While men jump from heights
And bridges in calm seas
And equanimity sails by 
With chubby Lo laughing while
Planes get shot, planes get lost, 
Jets are bought for the 
Kleptopapa and kleptomama 
In a hail of bullets some will die
While kleptomama wears the 
Colosseu Pink Panthers diamond
You are Judas and Jezebel 
And cursed to infinity

If cash be King
And marauder known as such 
From Pekan who never stole a tree
Masquerades as saint  to give homeless
Hillcrest, Green, Beverly Hills, Park Lane,
Park Laurel,  and Quantas.
To fly from Chow Kit to catch a wink at Time Warner
Applause for such benevolence absent
For you larcenist win contempt
And cursed to infinity.

If cash be King
And criminals known as such
Are masquerading as connoisseur for
Brando's Oscars, Monet's and Van Gogh
To set Christies & Sotheby's  in Putra Jaya
For the Mullahs and the Ministers
Vile is this scheme, scam, sin and Scandal
For your embezzlement is an embarrassment that
Will curse you to infinity

If cash be King
And a  chubby prince from Penang
Masquerades as pimpernel frolicking with
Lohan, Hilton and Kerr
With profanity and vanity 
While the  innocent starve and die
You will never be forgotten
We Will curse you to infinity.

If cash be King
And Chucky the clown
Masquerades as the caring crown
Who for our protection 
Tear gas and baton charge the
Yellowies  who walk
And release the infantile rabid reds 
Who ran  amok Before their birth
And incarcerate any and all 
For utterance of donation or Allah
Your unmentionable cruelty 
Will curse you to infinity

If cash be King
And police play thieves 
And judges play jokers 
And muftis play muppets
And prosecutors play prostitutes
And politicians play puppets 
And AG's play roulette
And ministers play miserables
And PM plays shares selling us to five red stars for the price of tar.

If and when you die
Your name  'A new' four letter word.
Your carcass may not to dogs be fed
On contamination fear
The prayer of spittle may rain down
And cloth your unholy corpse 
The acid of tears may drown and 
Decompose your remains 
For no Angel may claim 
A soul that knows not God
And no Devil may engage 
The King of cash who has 
Hell money  in abundance as he can never 
Buy hell for he owns hell 
Yet you will be immortal and remembered
And cursed to infinity


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