
Sunday, September 10, 2017

cakap cakap...We Must Take Back Our Negara...and other things.

We must take back our country ...take back the power from the corrupt politicians. Take back our country from the self serving public servant and from those who are in public service for personal gain. From the the arrogant elites, the greedy rich...all those riff raft who are not only controlling our country but taking all of us down the road to economic ruins and towards the tragedy of having a people divided and weaken through religious and racial hegemony! For you see my our country lies between the tragedy of having a leader who would, without any doubt, go down in our history, if not that of the world, of being one of the most corrupt politicians that will even put Suharto and Marcos to shame ....and on the other hand there is the possibility that our nation can  be a nation quite like no other in the world! A nation with gracious people steep in culture and a way of life that values unity in diversity, wants understanding and acceptance of each other differences more that anything else and certainly a nation that above all else, abhor greed! The greed which we now see colours every aspect of our life from cradle to grave. 

For sure I and many others have told you all this many times before...and it needs telling many times more for if we do not, who else will? 

First look around every nook and cranny within our country. From East to West from, North to South! From those who do menial tasks in the streets to those who rub shoulders with the high and mighty in the rarefied air of the wealthy, the rich and the powerful. Look at those who serves us in the restaurants and the retail outlets to those who can now elect those who will govern us....everywhere you look there are the pendatangs. There are many among us that do welcome anyone who wants shelter, food and clothing into our midst graciously, but graciousness has its limits. It stops when these pendatangs becomes a threat to our way of life, to our way of earning our keep and to the very foundation of the life we have all lived for the decades since Merdeka and beyond. And intrude into all that these the pendatangs already have.

Look around you to the people who are our leaders..of all political persuasion and beliefs. With the exception of a few, too many of them are found wanting in righteousness and sadly lacking in the principles that guides so many of us : honour, work ethics and being responsible for what we do to others and for we do to ourselves. Blaggards most them are : unprincipled, contemptible and an untrustworthy people. And none more so then the prime minister and his wife who has given leadership another name : GREED!

Today, each and every one of us are reduced to being Malaysians who are suspicious and contemptible of every action taken by their political leaders, by those in public office, by government servants, the police and the judiciary...and in our dealing with them all...that dreaded word "DEDAK" is always boiling and threatening to engulf every thing that is being done by us, to be done by us and should be done by us. It is no longer something that we need to deal with on a daily is now a cancer that eats into our basic needs : it takes money out of that most basic of our needs : food and shelter for our loved ones : it takes freedom from some of us and it limits our ability to earn our keep and care for our fellow Malaysians in their hour of need.   

All these happening at a time when we have our prime minister labelled as one of the most corrupt in the world....or is all this happening because our prime minister IS the most corrupt in the world? Ponder this my friends and ask yourself what is happening in our country today and ask yourself what are you doing about it?

It is Sunday morning now. Another week has passed...a week when we see Najib Razak venture once again into the consciousness of the international community by his visit to Washington....a visit headed by medias around the world with these kind of headlines:

Trump's Najib visit stark contradiction to US kleptocracy drive - C4

A NGO leader has questioned US President Donald Trump's meeting with Prime Minister Najib Razak in light of the American Justice ...

US Disapproval Of Najib Visit Starts To Build | Sarawak Report

US Disapproval Of Najib Visit Starts To Build. 4 September 2017; 60 comments. This thoughtful and informed piece in the Washington Post (below) is worth ...

But still Najib and Rosmah will brazenly brave the fallout that will surely come from their visit to the US because in their putrid and scheming mind, the probable gain in Malaysia to their stature (putui...and may a thousand fleas infest every aspect of that stature!) and political capital to be made from such a visit, is worth being humiliated by many in the global community. ...and then there is the shopping to be done by Flying Hippo! 

It is Sunday morning now. All this notwithstanding, I am looking forward to what the week will bring. Surely it cannot get worse...surely it must get better? We hope that the opposition will get their act together! Yes ...the opposition MUST get their act together. Already I am inclined to question the self serving actions by some within the opposition compound..and while in the past I do so quietly and within the recess of my 70 year old mind....these last few days I know that I needed to write about it and put my thoughts on these "misdeeds" into the public domain. And if I do so...I know so will others. 

It is Sunday morning now and my work on SIrul Azhar Umar gets more "interesting" by the day. Nothing I can share with you guys yet but it is enough for me to say that I have had to think "outside the box"...and that, for a 70 year old man is hard! In this matter, be ready to change your perceptions of things, be prepared for the unexpected. When the s**t hits the it invariably will when Sirul has to front the will be another "teh tarik and kuachi" time for those who are curious as to why Sirul Azhar Umar did do the things he did.

It is Sunday now and at 9.54 am I am in my Sarong with the heater blowing hot air to parts of me that never sees the sun...and I am warm and at peace with myself. The wife is still quietly asleep beside me...and even asleep I have already kissed her three times this morning and whispered "I love you" at least twice. Life is good when you have the one you love beside you.        

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