
Thursday, November 2, 2017

Lagi pasal KP SPRM

This idiot is way past his "use by" date...if he has any grey matter in his cranium...if he has the ability to understand responsibility, accountability and civility....and if this BN government had any sense of propriety....idiots like this randy KP with his brains stuck in his zippers, would not have a hope in hell of being a KP...what more a KP of SPRM! For the Malays of his genre, this is now the new normal. You do what you want in your private and public life and damm the consequences, for those that has come before you have set the standards you measure yourself against. 

That he will soon go is a given. It is just a matter of timing, for even now it is not this KP that does not want to go...for he knows that his position is untenable. He wants to go but the powers that be now see his going as an admission of failure which the opposition and others will jubilate upon.....and in the desperate situation that Najb is now in...that must not be allowed to happen. And so they will want him to stay as KP of SPRM for as long as it is possible.

Until then, this KP will take some heat away from Najib and his cohorts....and we all know they need that respite!   

What will come next for this KP? 

By now we all know that whoever is behind these videos is well funded and well organised. Kudos to them! They might have their own agenda for doing this...but whatever their agenda is, they have done us all a favour by showing up this KP for what he really is...a randy old bastard and dick head whose dick has got him into all sorts of embarrassing situations...and certainly someone undeserving of serving in a position where honour, integrity and credibility is a must! 

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