
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

REPRISE : Methinks this Sultan of Selangor does too much AGAIN! This Sultan, who is the head of Islam in his state - fucks around with girls in and around Kuala Lumpur. You fuck around with Tun Dr Mahathir we will fuck around with your fucking around before and after your recent marriage. Kapish?

First posted on Tuesday, 15 November 2011...still relevant today!

The fixed, false belief that one possesses superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth. Can be a symptom of paranoid or manic disorders (and sometimes dementia). People with this disorder also have a taste for the finer, more extravagant things/actions. This disorder is commonly known as megalomania. Sometimes drug abuse can intensify or bring on these sorts of episodes. This is a very dangerous condition.

It irks me to think that the Sultan of Selangor has Delusion of Grandeur with regard to the role he plays in the governance of HIS state Selangor! HIS state Selangor? And his role as head of Islam in HIS state?

Who told him that Selangor is HIS state? Just because he was born into the role of Sultan does not make any state HIS state!  

Somebody better tell him that the life of decadence he now leads is bankrolled by the taxes paid by the people of Selangor and others. Somebody better tell him that he does not earn his keep! 

Like the mistresses being kept by BN politicians, he too is being kept in clover and grandeur by the hard earned money from others! And while these mistresses gives sexual pleasure and gratification to their masters this Sultan of Selangor is a parasite of the highest order for he never gives anything back to his benefactors.

And like the over 1000 parasites that can wreck havoc on our bodies and live all over the human body  - in the blood and all organs including the brain and in our eyes and sinus and anus – this Sultan of Selangor must be put in his place before he wrecks havoc over HIS state of Selangor by his dalliances into the politics of HIS state! 

The parasite genital protoza lives in the female vagina and urethra and causes a slightly yellow discharge with itching and burning. I think it is time that this parasite of a Sultan  go find HIS female vagina and make like a parasite and stay out of matters that does not concern him. 

By the manner he chooses to lives his sordid life he has forfeited any right to have anything to do with Islam in HIS state! Do you want the head of Islam in Selangor to fornicate around with ladies of dubious persuasion? I believe that ISLAM forbids what this Sultan is now doing – fornicating around – so why is he allowed to meddle in matters of Islam? 

Woi Sultan go stand in front of the mirror and see yourself as others see you! A useless appendage of the Malays race that contributes towards nothing more then the decline and fall of the Malays. 

What dignity you could possibly bring to your throne was lost many years ago when you choose to live your life no better then the life of those cursed and spoilt with the dubious honor of having other people pay for the useless life they lead. You have earned not a single cent to pay for the useless life you lead then, now and for the foreseeable future.

Before you are further embarrassed by the exposure of your past and present follies I would suggest that you stop to think whether doing the bidding of UMNO will do you any good. You simply do not have the acumen to understand that you are being used by UMNO for its own ends. True you do have need of the few millions here and the few millions there that UMNO throws your way every now and then but I would suggest that you are already living the good life being a parasite. Begging for the few millions here and the few million there that UMNO throws your way will not do you any good once the people decides that it is time that they do away with you and your parasitic way! 

So Sultan cease and desist your interference in the governance of YOUR state! I was born in Segambut and Selangor is MY state. I do not want the likes of you to think that I will be quiet when you begin to have these delusion of grandeur thinking that you are a reborn Sultan of Selangor who has come riding on a white stallion to save Selangor from a PKR state government and return it back to UMNO. It would be far better for you to be like a stallion and go service the mares that are waiting in the stables – is that not what you like doing now? 

Step back and stop yourself from thinking that you would want to play any role in the government of Selangor. For now we will put up with you being a parasite in our midst –though unlike the other parasites – it would seem that you  lead a very comfortable and decadent life style. Be like a tree and make yourself inconspicuous and stay out of our consciousness. To do otherwise might invite the wrath of the people in YOUR state and might shorten your rule as Sultan. Understand?              

First posted on Wednesday, 9 January 2013


This is what I wrote about Amir's father in  January 2011: 

This Sultan, who is the head of Islam in his state  - fucks around with girls in and around Kuala Lumpur. You fuck around with the appointment of the State Secretary, we fuck around with your fucking around. We can start with that non-Malay girlfriend of yours that have served as your regular fuck for a good number of years. You might think it all good fun and it really is until you realize that the Internet will tell what the newspaper will not! So tread carefully and think what it is that you are doing. Go on living your useless life paid for by the people’s money and leave politics well alone. Interfere with politics then you and your brother Sultans might see the end of your reign as the Maharajahs in India have seen the end of theirs sooner then you think.  

Nothing much has change! 

Only now his son is taking up whatever slack his aged Father has relinquish to him. Sultan Sharafuddin is still fornicating whenever the spirit moves him...though he does not do as much moving on the bed as he used to...but I am sure the pornographic library left by his Father would serve some purpose in 'moving' his libido on a need basis!

Now over to Din's son - Amir - the Heir Apparent. 

Apparently this Heir Apparent is going the way any young randy bastard with too much money for his  own good will be going! While most guys his age will be masturbating to get their rocks off this guy is into doing the real thing. Good for him! While his randy old Man has got the hots for an exotic Bengali he is not doing too bad himself....nothing like a Westerner to start you off on the road to debauchery!

debauchery(noun). too much indulgence in pleasures usually considered immoral, especially sexual activity and excessive drinking. a life of debauchery.     

The thing is this...this is not the first Royal Father and Son fucking team that I have come across in Malaysia. These Randy Royals do not care a rat's arse if father and son bumped into each other on the Disco Floor...this I have seen with my own eyes in the good old days of The Tin Mine at Hilton KL. There are very open minded these Royals...after all there are just so many Five star hotels in KL where they can fornicate at their hearts content without worrying about any Religious authority catching them in flagrante delicto! It would not do for the Head of Islam in the State to be caught fornicating someone outside the bounds of marriage...would it?

And while we are at it would some JAIS guy like to comment on the above pictures? Apa hukumnya for the son of the Head of Islam in Selangor for doing what he is doing above...or are you going to argue that the above pictures does not prove anything? Whatever lah JAIS....whatever!      

Now I read today that this Sharafuddin guy who is also the Sultan of Selangor made a decision and decreed that the word 'ALLAH' is a sacred word specific to Muslim and so the use of the word is prohibited to be used by any non-Muslim in Selangor!

The same Sharafuddin who has an exotic Bengali as his regular fuck. The same Sharafuddin whose son as we can see above, does not have the decency to romance his girl out of camera range! Did his father who is the Head of Islam in Selangor not taught him the basic rudiments off Islam! Or maybe this Sultan Sharafuddin knows nothing about Islam? Aku malu lah tengok perangai Sultan dengan anak nya begini!   

Damm you Sharifuddin. 

Raja Muda Selangor, Tengku Amir bersama ibunya Lisa Davis (atau Nur Lisa Idris) dan teman wanitanya

Bercuti di Pulau Redang bersama kekasih. Dinner tidak lengkap tanpa Champagne Dom Perignon

Berpicnic di London bersama kekasih hati, tidak ketinggalan Dom Perignon tetap ada

Party, party, party! Itu telah menjadi darah daging kebanyakan anak cucu Ketua Agama Islam bumi Malaysia

Mungkin kah wanita bernama Stephanie Hancox ini bakal menjadi Tengku Ampuan Selangor?



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