
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

cakap cakap...2018

7.38 am Tuesday 2nd January. My second day into 2018 and I have not made any resolutions, no promises made, no determination to make my life better and certainly no attempts will be made to do this or that to make the world a better place, to reduce poverty or reduce carbon footprints or what ever it is that "responsible" citizens do to make their contribution to a better world. None of the above! I have only one determination in 2018...other then taking responsibility for the well being of family....that of doing what I can to get this Kepala Bapak aka wife of rosmah aka corrupt, thieving, robbing, lying son of a Kapala Bapak out of office and into a deserved stay in Sungai Buloh. So help me God. Give me strength to keep on blogging. Give me the focus and the determination to write as often as I think it necessary to share with you all my thoughts on what we can do, should do and have to do to make change possible. That is all that I ask for now.
Me and my beloved wife when we could still take walks together.

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