
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Lest We Forget : PDRM

We have all seen with a sense of helplessness and silent rage, the use of PDRM by this arrogant and corrupt BN regime to inflict upon the rakyat pain and fear. The so-called guardian of our peace have abused the trust placed upon them by the people. They have done so even as our contempt and rage at what they are doing to our people have increased from the time of that beating to Anwar Ibrahim by the then Inspector General of Police, through to the murder of many many suspects in custody, the savage beatings of Bersih activists as they peacefully protest and demonstrate for a clean and open GE. Now, as GE 14 nears...we want PDRM to know that ini kali...if they intend to continue to do the biddings of their political masters at the expense of the Rakyat...then we tell them it and we will ensure that ini kali tiada maaf bagi mu! 

Do it and we will hold PDRM responsible and accountable for every misdeed and abuse perpetrated upon the Rakyat from living memory...from the time of Merdeka to today. 
Every suspect beaten and murdered while in your custody, every Bersih activists intimidated and beaten while exercising their rights under our constitution, every flawed investigation to profit the guilty for financial gains, every NFA (no further action action) stamped on any file under investigation as instructed by your political masters, every wrongful arrest, any intimidation and wrongful remand of any Malaysian...all this and more, will be thoroughly looked into, investigated and certainly punished to the full extent of the law ....all this and more we will demand of the new government we have voted into office after PRU 14.
Remember Kugan, remember Aminulrasyid ..remember all those that have suffered at the hands of PDRM. I will not forget...I will not let the matter rest until we have again the Police that will serve the rakyat. Not the Police who harassed intimidate, harmed and even kill our brothers and sisters.
So help me God.

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