
Thursday, February 1, 2018


I would like to ask MALAYSIAN YOUTHS......WHERE ARE YOU?

Am I looking at the wrong blog? Don't any of you have Facebook pages that is worth looking at? Where are you all going? When are you all going to give voice to the concerns of the rakyat in a voice loud enough so that we can all hear?  Surely the concern of the rakyat is also your concern? Surely you cannot ignore all the things that is now going on around you?

The corruption. The corruption and the corruption! Arrogant leaders. Loud and ungracious wives of our leaders? The abuse of political and public office for personal gains? Dedak. And the lists of grievances being articulated by the rakyat is deafening...and yet the young do not hear them?  


I can count, on one hand, the number of young people whom I know read what I write. And even then I am being generous for really I cannot even recall five names of those young people who have made an effort to share with me their concerns, their thoughts and their aspirations of what and how they want their future in Malaysia to be. 

Maybe these young people do not "talk" to 71 year old bloggers like worries....I can accept that....but if they do not read what I write, I want to read what they write! I want to know what our young people are thinking. What they are discussing among themselves. What their aspirations are for PRU 14 and beyond. Where do I go? To which blogs? To which Facebook page? 

Are these Generation Y or the Millennial generation using social media mostly for online communication and socialization among themselves? Are they too wrapped up in their studies and using Social Media mostly for researching  information for the purpose of completing assignment? Surely there must be an explanation to the lack of Malaysian youths involvement in the things we Malaysian are now most concerned with : PRU 14 and what comes after PRU 14? 

Can some Malaysian Youths articulate to us all what is going on in their world? We cannot win this fight against a corrupt and arrogant BN without our young. We need their support, their participation, their commitment and most critical, their vim and vigour to give us that cutting edge when the "war" for change in Malaysia begins in the coming months.

All that I "see" around me in my social media world is the lack of Malaysia Youths telling me that they read what we write and hear what we say....and most important...that they will be there at front line leading the charge to Putrajaya. And that they, more than anyone else, will be amongst those in the front line fighting the good fight against this Idiot and the Umno led BN who have done so much harm and damage to our country, to our people and to our future. Please tell me that Malaysian Youths are part of the Internet and Social Media Technologies now being used to tell this Idiot and the BN that he leads that millions of Malaysians want change....and if these Malaysian Youths are part of this...where can I find them?  

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