
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

cakap cakap...

I was just going through my correspondence with a friend when I came across this piece that i wrote just after the last General Election which I think is still relevant today. Abdullah Badawi was still the PM then. 
"...but the realities of life and the pursuit of "kebendaan" tends to lead us astray...and that "us" will definitely include me if not you or Bakri. Cut to the chase...when all is said and done...I am in agreement with you when you said "what is left of a Malay leader?" 

I have looked at Abang Lah and Anwar up close and personal, Mahathir from a distance but with enough feed back from his circle of aides and hangers on to know that we need to look beyond these three stooges...but where? The ramifications of the latest election is yet to settle. The ability of the Malays and the other races to adjust is still a "work in progress". 

UMNO with its imagined and real enemies from within and without will be in turmoil for the foreseeable future until it is comfortable again with a leader able to pursue its preferred politics of patronage and vested interest - while the Pakatan Rakyat under the enforced leadership of Anwar will have to find its own level of tolerance and accommodation within its partners simply because they all understand that politics without power is not to be considered at all costs.....and through all this we suffer with undisguised contempt for its participants.

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