
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No political link: Della Bosca ex-lover

AAPSeptember 2, 2009, 7:40 am

The woman who had an affair with John Della Bosca says her revelations, which came as Premier Nathan Rees prepared to face leadership plotters, are not part of a political game.

Mr Della Bosca, 53, phoned Mr Rees on Monday night, on the eve of the resumption of parliament, and resigned as health minister after the woman told a Sydney newspaper of their six-month relationship.

Mr Rees believes the resignation of Mr Della Bosca, seen as a potential challenger for the top position, will end the ceaseless leadership speculation.

During a press conference on Tuesday, Mr Della Bosca denied that the woman's revelations were part of a set-up.

The woman, who has not been named, wrote in the Daily Telegraph on Wednesday that she doesn't follow politics and her story was not part of any political strategy.

"None of this is about political games and the timing is simply that it only ended three or four weeks ago."

She says Mr Della Bosca told her his marriage to federal MP Belinda Neal was over and feels "stupid" for believing him.

"I realise I am the woman who slept with a married minister so I'd be hypocritical and prudish if I criticised him simply for having had an affair," she writes.

"There were two people who caused this and I was one of them."

The 26-year-old says if Mr Della Bosca is "capable of lying to his wife and children", it raises questions about his public character.

"If you want to have the hedonistic type of life where you can sleep with someone other than your wife without consequences, then don't get into politics where you are supposed to represent a certain level of community values."

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