
Friday, September 11, 2009

cakap cakap....reaching out.

From time to time I go to my STATS COUNTER and look at the visitors that come to my site. From America, The United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, New Zealand, parts of Europe and of course Australia. Sometimes from parts unknown. I know that for most of us we want to know what is happening in Malaysia. For some it might just have been a look see at what is in my blog. And I am sure there are others that landed on steadyaku47 on a whim. Would it possible for some of you to tell me what it is you would like to know more about Malaysia - if it is still about Politics - then what specifically about politics? Maybe these are areas that I could write about - those I could not, I can link with others and together we could possibly come up with a posting. For those outside Malaysia any feedback you could provide us about Malaysia would assist us in formulating our thoughts on international reaction, if any, about what is happening in Malaysia. Newspaper reports would help. I am trying to talk to as many people as I possibly can - built a link - so that together we can form opinions, educate and 'guide' those that seek to know more about Malaysia - for whatever reason. We can 'talk' through this blog site or you could email me at if you prefer it be a one to one situation. It is hard to communicate with those so far from us - but let us try. Regards.    


  1. lol... as you said, I landed on steadyaku47 on a whim. But rest assured, I made no plan to leave for the foreseeable future.

    If I read it correctly, the point of this post would be for more self-improvement, ways to further expand the scope of blogging.

    Well, I do have a few suggestion if you are willing to listen:

    - (1) Paragraph. Make shorter paragraph. Not all internet user great eyesight. The monotonous font does make it difficult to read as it is easy to lost track while reading.

    - (2) Pictures. Nothing compliment an enjoyable reading like a picture. Make effort to insert more picture while writing up a blog. Like you recent post on "The Dirty Dozen from Bolehland", you could perhaps include pictures of those involved.

    - (3) Categories. While a personal touch is good, sometimes it's better to separate them. Try to separate your opinions with news. When you thoughts and emotions mixed up with the news, the news would lose credibility. Using formal and informal languages would be a good way to separate them.

    The point above are basic, but it will definitely makes it more enjoyable.

    And oh, I do have a topic that continuously piqued my curiosity: Malaysia Civil Servant Pay.

    This could provide a start :

    I, for one thing, couldn't believe that our (ex Defense Minister + Finance Minister + Prime Minister) earn only about RM23K.

    What that is even more suspicious (and confusing) is that while the title stated "SALARIES", right at the bottom it says "(Monthly salaries, claims and allowances not included)".

    Then what the heck do they define "salaries"?

  2. Many thanks for your constructive comments. Photgraphs do make a difference but I am still trying to master the art of even posting a posting images is still a challenge but i will try.

    Re Salaries - that would be a story in it itself but the technicalities would require someone with knowledge of the Civil Service to write one. Can any one assists?


  3. HH,

    Since you are a son of an ex-CID Director, perhaps you could shed some light in the internal operations of Bukit Aman, unless of course your relationship with your father was not that close, and secondly this matter would be considered ' highly classified'.

    I ask because the current CID Director happens to be the one who bashed up RPK. And I am just wondering what would the criteria in the selection process of appointing such a high post in PDRM.

  4. I am not too familiar about the internal operations of Bukit Aman but it would be fair to say that PDRM is a reflection of the IGP and the Prime Minister of the moment. Tun Haniff was appointed IGP by Tun Razak at the age of 35. From MCKK days he was known as someone who could not tell a lie. From the last time that I saw him a few years back, he was still living in the house he retired in. In as far as my Father was concerned there was a time when he was out of favor (with whom I am not to sure) but during that time he was 'loan' as Director of Rela for a few years and then he came back into force.

    I have never heard my Father talk about the Politization of PDRM. Most of his time was spent under Tun Razak.

    Re corruption - there was one time when we were in Kuala Lipis - he was CPO Pahang (at that time Kuala Lipis was the administrative hq for PDRM Pahang) and it was Hari Raya morning. The house was full of visitors. I remember this Chinese guy coming to the house with a briefcase and leaving without it. We found the briefcase beside the sofa. My father opened it and we saw that it was full of cash. My Father instructed his officer to set up a road block - stopped the guy and returned the briefcase to him - no questions asked.

    That was the way things were done under Tun Haniff - possibly the last truly honest IGP PDRM will have for a long long time. I have had the opportunity to listen to what he had to say about all things malaysian but i will not abuse his trust by sharing his thoughts with all - suffice to say that he himself cannot comprehend why our political masters do the things they do.

