
Friday, September 11, 2009

Eu Tu Mahathir?

For once my sympathies are with Samy Velu. Mahathir comes out in support of Subramanium!! Poor guy he thought he was on the home straight – just a couple more furlongs to go…and damm he was side swiped by that brother of his from days gone by. Caught of guard by the master of deception and delivered a blow from which he might not be able to recover because time is not on his side.

As for Mahathir – what you did is nothing to be proud about. Effective but no class lah! What you did to Pak Lah and to Samy Velu is self serving. Unlike Brutus who killed Caesar to free Rome from the yoke of tyranny, your actions, as always, bears all the hallmarks of deceit, treachery and malice towards people who you perceived had wronged you.

Yes Samy Velu deserved to go but you choose your entrance into his fight with Subramanium for maximum impact to yourself. It really is a reflection of what you have been doing  - that a Tun and our former Prime Minister would stoop down to gutter politics just for cheap publicity is not right. That you use Subramanium to hit at Samy Velu confirms your preference to use people for your own purpose – not theirs. If Subramamium wins you can take credit. If he loses you will also make appropriate comments   -“that if the Indians still want someone who has been cheating them, then there is nothing I can do about it”.
As always you are not prepared to meet people on a level playing field. You will use every advantage you can have to win. Deception, treachery or just plain ‘stab in the back’ moves when it suits you. This you taught UMNO to do and that is what UMNO is still doing. Enough of this Tun. You are over 80. Give us some reason to show respect to you – if not for the things you have done in your time as Prime Minister – then for your age. They say that wisdom comes with age – but it would seem Sir, that with you, age came alone.   


  1. The downfall of Malaysia can be traced exactly to one day.

    The day Mad Hatter was appointed PM of Malaysia.

    It has been one drawn out ride , down down down.

  2. Cuba anda ...bertafakur sekejap...outside looking in...betul2 buat..bukan main2

    lepas tu..zikir illah ha ilallah...perlahan2..lepas tu cepat2 sikit...

    niat dalam hati..ya allah..akunak kenal diri aku...dan aku nak kenal..diri mu ya allah...

    tu jer..yg perlu buat...after 1 months see if you still write..what you always your blog. Kalau you taknak buat apa yg I cakap tadi...its okay..

    sorry to interupt..your blog..

  3. Bro,

    Anon Sept 11,2009 5:50AM tu Ustaz Islam Hadhari ke?

  4. Niat dia baik...tapi susah nak communicate....lain wavelength.

  5. Bro,

    Any comments on PRK Bagan Pinang, P.D., Neg. Sembilan.

    Isa Samad nak jadi calon. I think, Najib mesti bagi dia atau anak dia Najib juga namanya jadi calon.

    Because, its pay-back time.

    Remember Anwar selalu tanya Najib, nak tahu cerita PD? bila Najib kata dia menyodom Saiful
    semasa di Permatang Pauh dulu! Lepas tu Najib terus diam, tak sebut sebut lagi pasal sodomy!

    Ha ha.

    Masa tu Isa Samad MB Neg. Sembilan!

    Mesti ada cerita di sebalik itu yang you tahu!

  6. Bro, Mahathir is surely losing his credibility. Not many take him seriously anymore because we all know not many can live to 90 and still be rational (he is getting there). Bets are off as far as he is concerned.

    I am more curious about Mirzan being appointed to the San Miguel board after that (RM2 billion?) purchase. Mirzan took too big a hit in the last crash to have recovered by now let alone amassed so much money. I am more inclined to think it is Uncle Ananda's money and Mirzan is just a proxy. Maybe Uncle Ananda does not want Astro to be boycotted.

    The Tiger

  7. "Cuba anda ...bertafakur sekejap...outside looking in...betul2 buat..bukan main2

    lepas tu..zikir illah ha ilallah...perlahan2..lepas tu cepat2 sikit...

    niat dalam hati..ya allah..akunak kenal diri aku...dan aku nak kenal..diri mu ya allah...

    tu jer..yg perlu buat...after 1 months see if you still write..what you always your blog. Kalau you taknak buat apa yg I cakap tadi...its okay..

    sorry to interupt..your blog..


    Sorry HH, don't understand what he is trying to imply.

    Can you share to interprete and share your thoughts over this statement?

  8. I think he means well...he believes that the devil is making me do what I do now - that is to write as i do now. But he has given me a choice - to do or not to do...I chose not to do. End of story. regards.

  9. We do have people like him who chooses to write in ambigious manner... just like Kadir Jasin?
