
Monday, September 7, 2009

UMNO or Three stooges? An apology of sorts.

Alamak you guys hantam me like nobody business after that article that I wrote about whether you will vote UMNO or The Three Stooges. Everybody and I mean everybody said that I was insulting The Three Stooges by comparing them to UMNO! May I ask for your forgiveness? I will never put down The Three Stooges – who together with Laurel & Hardy, Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Bujang Lapok have given me many hours of laughter and enjoyment.
But honestly Guys UMNO has also given me some laughs. Remember the ‘close one eye’ guy? Now that is a good laugh. What about the lompat to PKR and then lompat back to UMNO guy in that Perak incident? That guy looks as funny as one of The Three Stooges and the only difference is that the lompat guy is richer! 
Then there is that Din guy who, with a straight face, had the audacity to say that the cow-demo guys was not UMNO, was not doing anything wrong. And that Din guy also said that once he had any blogger ‘dalam genggaman” he will not let go! What about if the court say to let go? Does he still want to maintain ‘dalam genggaman?’
Now let us just stretch that ‘UMNO’ description to include Samy Velu. Why? Come on lah if you can include Mahathir, Zainuddin Maiden, Abdul Azeeeeeeeeeeez Abdul Rahman (from Putra UMNO) in UMNO then we can include Samy Velu – at least as a Guest Artist. Now with Samy Velu if anybody says he is not as funny as The Three Stooges then he or she needs glasses. That guy is funny just standing there doing nothing–almost as good as Buster Keaton!    
Now if I go on UMNO is going to be funnier then The Three Stooges and then it will be an insult to UMNO to be compared to The Three Stooges!! So how? So please next time before you want to hantam me tolong think first lah! MERDEKA !


  1. Well, their antics may sound funny, in a vaudeville show. BUT, considering the pain, suffering and hardship UMNO have caused, the Police State they have created, and the number of deaths in custody,FUNNY is not a word one can justifiably use!

  2. Menon..I like you. You can give as good as you get! Just one thing..I write sometimes tongue in cheek...if you read my other postings there have been time when I am not funny ha ha...where I have hantam UMNO for what they do to the Malays, to the Chinese, Indians and others. So once in a while I need to keep things a bit light...regards.

