
Monday, September 7, 2009

Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim

I first heard about Tan Sri Khalid from my Auntie, Toh Puan Maimunah – wife of Tun Ismail – former Governor of Bank Negara. She told me that Khalid  was held in high regards by Tun himself.    
To me there is no greater endorsement. I remembered how UMNO did their part in ensuring that Tan Sri would be the Mentri Besar of Selangor. Yes UMNO did! Remember the video of Tan Sri inadvertently saying “Pastikan calon barisan Nasional menang?” when he wanted to say Pakatan Rakyat –and how that clip was played again and again and again – supposedly to make a fool of Tan Sri. Who is the fool now? That clip turned my disgust for UMNO to contempt. And I am sure that that clip did play a big part in ensuring his victory in the subsequent election.    
In Tan Sri Khalid we have a man once totally removed from Politics having to hit the ground running when he became the Mentri Besar or Selangor. He is no great orator or debater but he has proven his worth to the Nation when he was with Guthrie's. When the news reached me that Tan Sri was the MB elect of Selangor, I was all smiles and high fives the whole day – though the high fives had to be with my wife. Fairy tales do come true. From that slimy  Khir Toyo Tempe to a giant of a man – there simply was no comparison. So much so that I was worried that our expectation of what was to come from Tan Sri would prove to be too much for him to live up to.    
Fast forward to day. What he has done in Selangor is a reflection of his personal integrity and his commitment to try and do what is best for Selangor. Sometimes my heart goes out for him as he falters in trying to understand the ‘take no prisoners’ attitudes of Barisan with whom Tan Sri now has to do battle. The recent cow-head attempt at discussions was a case in hand. He thought that his good intentions to allow open discussions on the matter will be reciprocated by all concern. This was not to be.    
Tan Sri did not take into consideration Malays who no longer consider themselves beholden of decency, good manners and respect for a Mentri Besar who was trying to do the right thing. Malays for whom I have nothing but sadness because of their inability to do unto others what they expect others to do unto them. But then that is to be expected. Desperate people will do desperate deeds.   
Tan Sri Khalid is a good decent man. In politics the good seems to finish last. Let us hope for our sake that this will not be so in Tan Sri’s case. We have need of leaders like him.


  1. Yes, it was uncalled for.

    Can you imagine if our PM or our DPM had such a meeting and such uncouth words were used?

    I think UTK and PDRM people would immediately arrest the fellas.

    Actually, I truly believe Pakatan MBs are good decent people and stand heads and shoulders above anyone from BeeEnd, and i mean it. Anyone.

    Just look at them.

    Guan Eng.
    Azizan (well, maybe not as good as four above but still way better than any BeeEnd MB)

  2. That's what the malays are good at, to run "AMOK" as far history and legend says it. Take a look at "Hikayat Hang Tuah". People run AMOK to kill the Bendahara, later in Majapahit, Tamingsari also run amok. Same with "Sultan Mahmud Mangakt dijulang." Now in the 21st Century, the malays have not progress. They are unable to discuss or debate amicably. They only knows how to call names and shout to the highest voices. Even in our parliament, the same happens and mind you these are cabinet ministers.

    What a shame to call myself a malay too.

  3. I never feel more proud of being a Malaysian than now. This is because of you, Xforget, Marina Mahathir, Art Harun, RPK etc that condemn Shah Alam incidents openly. I never noticed that Malaysian from different races and religion united together against racist UMNO. I only wish we've more UMNO leaders like Tengku Razaleigh. It's sad UMNO leaders are not trying save the country's economy but destroying it. Lastly, good people like Tan Sri Khalid will have the support of Malaysians!

    Anak Malaysia
