
Friday, June 18, 2010

Cakap cakap...macham macham sampai pening kepala!

This morning, while having my first cup of Nescafe, I started thinking. To be truthful my first thoughts were about my daughter Terrina and her Family in Toronto. Emmett, that guy from Butterfinger, father to Izzy and Sofia and my daughter’s better half and my favourite son in law is now too involved with his work to think about anything else. We have not Skyed for over two weeks and my wife and me are just bordering on being upset…just a bit…but for now we still love them. For now….

Now back to my thinking. To me Bank Negara under Tun Ismail Ali and the Police under Tun Haniff were the only two institutions in our country that could be said to be beyond reproach when these two icons of our history were in charge. I am sure there are others but it is for you to tell me if you do know of others. I began to think of the past because the present is so unpleasant. This morning when I went into NST the first headline that grabbed me was

     Body against corporation managing Kg Baru land

Kampong Baru is where my favorite Nasi Dagang stall is, so I read more. And as I came across the name Mat Shah –President of MAS Malay Agricultural Settlement Administration (MAS), which represents landowners and stakeholders in Kampung Baru, interest to read more was suddenly gone. Is this the same Mat Shah that still has to complete that Plaza Safuan in Jalan Raja Alang? And was also involved in Menara Safuan near the Danish Embassy? Please are there no other Malays around? The redevelopment of kampong Baru is just another opportunity for an orgy of manipulation and money grabbing exercise by those Malays who can make a grab for the money and will do so simply because they can. First tier opportunist will of course be the Politicians…then family, friends…second wives… girlfriends…ketua bahagians…we are familiar with the structure. And in the end after all the money has been milked and nothing is left the carcass of Kampong Baru is thrown back to the Malay owners- now left with development plans and incomplete foundation and structures and nothing more…while the same bunch of vultures go seek another killing fields.
Just look at what has happened to the Chow Kit Road Market redevelopments, the Medan Tuanku redevelopments, the Selborn massive redevelopments plans along Jalan Raja Muda. First find a redevelopment site. Get political patronage to put a ‘proposal’ together.  Print glossy brochures with all the glitz of a ‘launch’ by the Perdana Menteri thrown in. Then on sell the ‘proposal’ to another party..then to another party…then sub sub…until nothing is left except the money in the pockets of the politicians and so called ‘developers’ that came in at the start of the proposal.

That redevelopment of the RMAF base in Sungai Besi was already putting money in politician’s pockets years ago – many many years ago. I have personally seen at least two ‘proposals’ that had the ‘blessing’ of the Datk Bandar, Federal Territory Minister and  the PM. ….and of course the RMAF chief will be coming on board once he retires. These ex RMAF chiefs are a dime a dozen. Hell I had one as Chairman of my company once! KSU’s are a bit harder because they know their value…they can swing negotiated tenders to your side of the table. Just go and see how many KSU’s are now ‘businessman’ – aiyah what is so hard about being a businessman – you join a company on $20K a month – why not? The company has made millions from your “assist” during your term of office! The ex-KSU’s in Mindef is a good starting point if MACC is interested in a follow through.

Now we are told that a network of terror has infiltrated our Universities. Come on lah Special Branch – or whatever Branch of PDDRM that has advised the BN government of this. To me the only reason Malaysia has been spared any significant terrorist activity is because we are not a significant target in as far as these terrorists are concern. If they can infiltrate the US, UK and the European community at will – think what they can do in Malaysia if they set their minds to it. And you think PDRM can prevent that from happening? Oh dear God – why don’t PDRM just focus on managing corruption within PDRM. Not eliminate it just manage it. Not within the country but just within PDRM!  Do not use this latest excuse of terrorist infiltration to throw a ‘security’ blanket over our students in these places of higher learning in order to monitor their ‘political activities’ in the coming General elections. You think we are stupid? You think the public does not know your real intentions? You think the students can be cowered by these latest attempts by the BN government to ‘manage’ them? Use the ISA on these students? I suggest you back off before you push the students more into the PR camps. Let them do their studies. You will not want these students to start organizing themselves to be against BN. I kid you not!
Got so carried away that my coffee is now cold. Excuse me while I go warm it up in the microwave…there are still tales to be told about the times that we live in. Now when would BN catch up with the present times that we now live in?


  1. Bro, and they are talking about moving the parliament which was very recently renovated and on top of that repaired in the tune of 100mil. They don't even mind occupying another building somewhere else as long as they move.

    The actual motives behind I believe are an initiation of a mass land grab in and around the existing parliament building.

    These people are getting too predictable.

    "Engkau tengok ni, aku ambik ni, aku ambik ni, engkau tengok ni, aku ambik ni, engkau tengok ni ......engkau tengok ni, aku ambik ni, aku ambik ni, engkau tengok ......."

    Sampai bila kita nak tengok je ni?

  2. macham-macham vs macam-macam...

    Haha, being in the 60 age-range myself, it took me a while to be able to automatically replace "ch" with "c" when spelling 'chikgu', 'chawan', etc.

    The subject matter? most depressing! Things are certainly getting worse...

  3. Bro,
    We must be DUNGGU if we still cannot see the questionable objectives behind all this. Some time ago they merely gave the Kg Baru folks Rm 68.00 psf when land surrounding the village went around for not less than Rm 400.00psf. Now this Nong Chik guy tries to pacify us with better offers when all that he has are no better ideas than to barter 40% of our land to you know who. He even had the cheek to say that the majority of us had agreed with his proposal when, despite being a land owner in Kg Baru, I had yet to be invited to his supposed sessions. Where the hell did he get the idea that we Kg Baru folks are that stupid ?
    As regards the guy you mentioned, God forbids if he should be involved with the development. He's no better than the white head that cheated half of the Kg Baru folks not too long ago. Ask any right thinking BBMB Officers as to who were responsible for its demise. Loans by the hundreds of millions went uncollected from the so-called Malay entrepeneurs. Malay businessmen, my foot !!!

    Coming back to Kg Baru, we have to admit that all the Kg Baru folks have are practically nothing more than the piece of land they live on. Since MONEY is the missing link to its developments, why not all parties that can genuinely convince us be allowed to present their ideas. All we need is a sincere funding agent that is prepared to loan us the amount we need for the development. All we need is a decent amount to fund the development of our respective land into something that can produce enough income to repay the loans and allow us to keep the land for our next generation, and for them to do the same for generations to come.
    Kg Baru can survive by merely being a Malay and Muslim Hub that caters for the Muslim needs. We need not have 5-star hotels to provide go-go dancers for the night-clubbers. We do not need to compete with Jalan Alor, Bukit Bintang, KLCC or even Chow Kit. All we need is to put up clean and decent apartments in which Malay and Muslim parents are at ease in placing their sons and daughters to stay in and create businesses that cater for the unique needs of the Malays and Muslims. I remember some years ago, Malays used to go by the busloads to a certain section of Singapore just to buy certain supplies which they susequently sold at a profit back in their kampongs. A similar situation which now flourishes in the Jln Tuanku A Rahman/ Jln Bunus area can easily be encouraged to commence in Kg Baru. GOOSTEE : 05/07/10@12.10pm.

  4. what the hell are you going on about talking on KG BARU development and talk shit behind ppls back without having done your homework!!! you're just a bloke who likes to eat your NASI DAGANG at your fav shop in KG BARU? come on gotta be kiddin? you're not even from KG BARU and dont have any relations what so eva with kg baru? FYI! The person MAT SHAH SAFUAN you're babbling about is not related with MAS!!! Mat Shah was born and bred in KG BARU! His late father Ahmad Safuan was from the village, he still have relatives in kg baru, he married with a kg baru woman, he's house is still in kg baru where his sister lives till today! he still has a lot of lands in kg baru, he even has his own Surau in kg baru! If you have time please go to the Arkib Negara and do research on MAT SHAH SAFUAN and what has he done and achieved for his life, Kg Baru and the country. Because i hav done reaearch and studies about him in my thesis on Bumiputra corporates during my studies in university time. I chose him because hes my Kampung idol and hero! And do you even know what MAS roles are and what were they really established for? dude, do your frickin homework man! Mat Shah is actually the PRESIDENT for an NGO body called PAKAM!! (persatuan anak-anak kg baru) and not MAS! PAKAM represents all the voices of ppl in kg baru! He has been busting his ass for years in helpin the community to channel they're thoughts and voices! The community is depending on him to bring this matter to the govnt! Had several meetings in Putrajaya with the high ranks in the ministry that involves in the develpment. dude! one day when you go and have your "Nasi Dagang" in kg baru pls drive along Jalan raja alang and stop in front of The Regency Hotel (which is plaza safuan) and please admire the establishment that was built by Dato' Sri Mat Shah Safuan! YEs he owns the hotel and a chain of 13 other hotels through out MAlaysia under the brand name 'The Regency'..yeah u can google it! You sent this msg like mid last yr! The Regency hotel(Plaza Safuan) has been operating almost 3 years since it opened the doors! "And was also involved in Menara Safuan"(quote HUSSEIN ABDUL HAMID). Whaaaat??? was also involved?? bro!! he frickin owns the building! his HQ office is on the 24th floor! Hence the building name 'Menara Safuan' which is his late father's and family name!! why do u have to be so judgemental! dont you feel proud that a MALAY NAME! like SAFUAN is on top of a building! In fact Menara Safuan is the first building with a MALAY NAME on it within the golden triangle area! and its not near a DANISH embassy u fool!, it was a building formerly called WISMA DENMARK and changed to sunway tower. i felt like vomiting reading thru your post talking like you know shit about the development of KG BARU! you dont even have the rights because you are not from kg baru! stop talking about politics influences, taking advantage of the projects, stealing money, lobbying, and whatever shit!! it dont matter to me cuz ure talking shit with no concrete reasons and facts!! youre just a pathetic loner that loves to eat nasi dagang in kg baru which owns by an outsider..yea from PATTANI!! 90% of all the tomyams, small gerai in KG BARU run by either ppl from Aceh or pattani! so go and support them when we are trying to get rid of them!! frickin hypocrite you are! so get your facts right before make any conclusions and follows your pity shallow minded mind! dont talk bad about kg baru and the community because im a true kg baru boy!!!! peace!
