
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cakap cakap...writer's block ...AGAIN!

My dear Friends….I am back writing my thoughts. I am going to try and pace myself this time around so that I do not burn out. I will enjoy myself more this time around. Yes it is still work because it does take an effort to put my thoughts on paper – it is not easy to do it as often as I do…but I will do it for myself. And if you read what I write I am grateful. Sometimes it is so easy to put my thoughts on paper because the ideas within my head are rushing to get out. Sometimes I cannot even wait to get to my PC – I just grab the pen and paper that is always beside me for that very reason, and write what is in my head. And whether I am on my PC or writing it down my ability to keep up with what is coming out of my head is never quick enough. And frustrations sets in…and this is what I do…I skip a few words and sometimes a whole line…putting just dots instead of words, and carry on writing …and come back to those blanks later to fill them in! And then of course there are times when nothing works. Emptiness reigns within my head and nothing I do will kick start it into second gear. These last two days is a good example. So I go to the net and look up inspirational speeches, words, quotes…anything that will motivate me to write…. But still nothing! I took my wife to the Greek groceries to get some Haloumi (Greek Cheese) and then to the supermarket for other groceries. Got back home and had a shower to freshen me up. Sat down at my PC – nothing! And so I give up and told myself that today I will watch whatever football matches there are coming in from South Africa….and I hope the change will do me good. Getting writer’s block just two weeks into starting my blog must go with the territory for other bloggers too. Amen.       


  1. You're a good read even with writer's block, my friend. That's because you write from the heart.

  2. I am glad you are writing again. I always enjoy your writings, and honestly, I missed them when you stopped for a while. I hope you will write as often as is possible. You tell the truth and your jottings are sincere.


  3. I look forward to your pieces as to quote Antares, it flows from the heart. Don't rush but don't go away, will ya?
    Intend to link you in my next piece.
