
Monday, June 28, 2010

Delights of the World Cup: Synchronized referee warm-ups

Like a boy band preparing for the lip-syncing exhibition of their lives, the referee crew for Friday's match between Spain and Chile prepared in unison.

Led by Mexican official Marco "Chiquidracula" Rodriguez, they maintained near perfect harmony as they went through their focused routine of kicks, claps and arm flailing, probably while humming The Karate Kid soundtrack. 


  1. Bro

    Sorry to digress.

    I think as many as possible should act to stop a miscarriage of justice from taking place in the MACC vs lawyer Rosli Dahlan case as reported by Din Merican here.

    It appears some one has manipulated a change of judge in the midst of a trial going badly for the MACC, with ominous implications now for Rosli.

    How can this happen? Why was the presiding judge hastily transfererd to Melaka and a new one appointed when the trial had already reached an advanced stage? What was the urgency in the transfer of a High Court judge?

    How can we expect the new judge to understand the demeanour of MACC witnesses who had testified earlier and really, taken to the cleaners by lawyers acting for Rosli Dahlan?

    Trust you will blog about it to give it max publicity for a good cause!

    What's happening in our courts right in front of our eyes is unbelievable!!

    Thank you.

    we are all of 1 race, the Human Race
