
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Do you have to lie to find the truth..... ?

How many Barisan Nasional ministers/ex-ministers have girlfriends, mistresses or more then one wife? How many of them pay for sex? How many of the Muslim ministers drink alcohol? How much of our money are used to pay for these escapades? Which minister uses Istana Hotel for his tryst, which one uses the Merlin? And why? Will the cabinet minister who leased a condo for his recently acquired mistress please stand up!
Which Muslim minister in Najib cabinet has been compromised for his non-Islamic behavior by PDRM? The physical evidence is now in the hands of a so-called UMNO’s warlord to use as he pleases– while the other copy is still with PDRM despite specific instructions from the corridors of power to destroy the incriminating evidence?
What film in Mahathir’s possession of an UMNO minister caught red.or should I say blue handed, has now been made known to the minister concerned and is now being used to keep him in ‘line’?  Which Minister was refused permission by his first wife to take another wife but still went ahead with the marriage?
Which ex- Prime Minister is taking hormone injections for his ‘health’?
Which Judge is having an affair with a singer?
Which MB/ ex MB had had children out of wedlock and paid for abortions on teenage Malay girls barely out of school that he made pregnant while out on his exercise runs? Which MB/ex MB does not believe in Malaysian Banks and have his money stashed overseas. Which MB/exMB son got a girl pregnant but managed to make arrangements to keep things quiet…so far? Which MB /ex MB is simply so rich that he has more money then the state of Perlis – but still complains that while that is so, he still has to take care of UMNO matters for the whole of Malaysia. Why does another MB frequent KL on a regular basis– regular enough to buy his own condo there? He comes to KL without his wife or family – supposedly on UMNO duties. He stays at PWTC but then disappears to his condo in the early evenings until the next morning?
The answer to all this is with a number of people in KL and they use these information to further their political career and increase their financial worth through contracts and projects from the government. And who would want these evidence to be handed over to PDRM to be examined and authenticated by an AG taking orders from the very people he is suppose to prosecute?  Nothing will come out of it. Better for them to profit from it.

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