
Monday, August 2, 2010

Cakap cakap...ISA demonstartion.

I have just read Zorro's Unmasked blog and below is what he had to say about the NO ISA Demos. I would expect an explanation from Pakatan Rakyat's MP's and Aduns for their absence. I do not know about Bernard but I know the time I spent on my blog in support of Pakatan Rakyat is enough to give me the right to ask for an explanation from them too! Camna? 


Revealing anything swept under the carpet and unmasking the sweepers.

"YES, I am referring to Pakatan Rakyat's MPs and Aduns. Why were you not with your rakyat. This is a Pakatan State if I still remember. Last night was the ordinary rakyat getting together to say NO TO ISA. Because of your conspicuous absence we were bullied by the Police. They became brave and aggressive when they realised there were no Pakatan MPs and Aduns. Children were traumatised and ladies were targeted.
The Special Bunch had lighted their candles and waited on the bleaches at PJ Club, waiting for the group from Amcorp Mall to converge onto the field. It would have been good to see you MPs and Aduns as a group move to the centre of the padang, lit your candles whilst we converge to meet you guys. Of course that never happened because you people were ostensibly MIA. Of course there were some Parkatan party members but we remember voting for you guys and you disappointed us" 
from Zorro Unmasked..


  1. Hey do you want your elected reps tied up in court cases and risk losing their seats???

  2. Dear No to ISA,

    No, I expect my elected reps to be in their suits, sit in their office and sign letters of support ... rather than be with the people in that ISA vigil.
