
Monday, August 2, 2010

Cakap Cakap: ISA demonstrations.

You have all seen the above video from MT....and I understand that each and everyone of you will have your views and opinions of what transpired. Allow me to have my say.

At the most I could count possibly less then a 100 ...maybe even 50 or less anti ISA demonstrators. What do you expect to achieve with those kind of numbers against a disciplined and well armed Police presence? Are there only that much people that are against the ISA? This is what is sad about our people. When it comes time to stand up and be counted the numbers are embarrassingly small. How many times must we tell you all that you must stand up and be counted. If there were 1000 of you out there Amcorp if there were 10,000 of you there do you think Hishamuddin and Najib would not be burning the midnight oil tonight trying to reassure each other that they are still in control of the country? Instead there are both laughing their heads off at the lack of support from the people who are against the ISA!

Do not worry about the Police. The same Police, when Pakatan Rakyat wins the coming General Election and come to power, will not only form a cordon for the any anti Isa demonstration - but they will also join in with you guys - because they will follow instructions from their political masters! The Police just follow orders - so get Barisan Nasional out and the Police will no longer be a problem.  

People you cannot sit by the sideline anymore. Those people that turn up for the demonstrations are putting their life on the line for something they believe in. The least you can do is to turn up and watch from the sidelines ready to rush at the Police if they dare to harm any of them. If 10.000 of you turned up last night it would have been news all around the world and that would have been embarrassing for the Barisan Nasional regime. 

Please do not pass up another opportunity to be with your friends in telling Barisan Nasional that what they are doing to our country, to our people and to our way of life is WRONG!

1 comment:

  1. Yup next time ! lets be prepared and get the required quantity to strike and put fear to those in power.I think the ISA watch was ill planed but dont worry we can do it next year!
    It would have been better to have large cells having this vergil all over KL and Selangor and lets see how many places the polis can be?
    If the police cant be nice better to not inform the wherabouts of this vergil.
    Their Penang counterparts were smart enough to give them the runaround!
